chapter thirty-eight

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Iris was sitting next to Korra at the women of color in STEM event. It was an organization at her college that brought women of color in STEM fields together to network and take part in different activities.

Tonight was a Kahoot trivia night, and the category was animated movies.

Iris didn't really care for the trivia or winning the event, but Korra did and kept groaning furiously whenever she got an answer wrong.

It was amusing for Iris to watch. Korra wasn't even in STEM. She was a Fashion Design major but loved coming to these events with Iris, so Iris always had her along as her plus one.

"I can't remember half of these movies," the last time I watched them was probably when I was twelve, Korra groaned.

"I mean, you still act like you're twelve sometimes, so these shouldn't really be a problem for you," Iris teased.

Korra eyed Iris, which she responded to by sending her best friend a wide smile. Korra's frustration over animated movies was extremely amusing to Iris and she couldn't help but tease her friend.

"I don't see you making much of an effort," Korra said, nudging her head towards Iris' phone that was opened to the Kahoot quiz webpage, even though Iris hadn't put in a single answer.

"I don't really care, to be honest," Iris answered truthfully. She mostly came to these events because she knew how much Korra loved them. That and the fact that these spaces were the only few areas on campus where the majority were people of color.

Iris loved it. It made the campus community feel smaller, being surrounded by other people like her. It was these little things that kept Iris afloat on her PWI campus.

Iris watched the projector at the front of the room, revealing the right answers. Each time it revealed an answer, there were cheers from some people and groans from others.

Korra was one of such people, frequently getting the answers wrong and groaning each time.

"Iris, we're down to the last few questions," Korra said, "if I get these all right I might still quality in the top ten and get a gift card."

The reward for the top ten winners was just a gift card to a local restaurant, and Iris couldn't understand why Korra wanted this so badly. But then again, college students always welcomed free food, so Iris couldn't really blame her.

"Ugh," Korra yelled, slamming her phone on the table in front of her. She had gotten the answer wrong. Again.

The smile on Iris' face grew wider. A frustrated Korra wasn't something that she saw often. But whenever Korra got frustrated, it was always from the silliest of things and was amusing to watch.

"Get that smug look off your face," Korra practically growled at Iris, catching sight of her smile.

Iris put her hands up in mock defeat, sucking her cheeks in to keep from laughing. "My bad, my bad, I do not take joy in your suffering. But just know it's not your phone's fault that you keep getting the answers wrong."

Korra glared at Iris for a few moments longer, before picking up her phone once again, quickly checking that her screen was still in order after the brutal treatment she had given it. She sat back in her seat as the new Kahoot question popped up.

"Okay last question," Korra murmured to herself, "what's the name of the city in the 2010 hit movie Megamind?"

Iris instantly perked up at this. She knew the answer to this one, and from how Korra's face scrunched up, it was clear she didn't.

"It's Metro City. That's option C," Iris said, leaning forward.

Korra narrowed her eyes. "And how do you know that?"

"I just do. It's the right answer," Iris said, rolling her eyes.

Korra's face even seemed to grow more suspicious.

"Korra, click option C before the timer runs out!" Iris whisper-yelled.

Although Korra still seemed doubtful, she followed Iris' instructions, and immediately, Korra's screen turned green.

"Yes!" Korra exclaimed, throwing her arms up in celebration. This was amusing for Iris to watch as she knew that despite getting the last answer right, Korra wouldn't be in the top ten. In fact, she was probably in the bottom ten.

"You're welcome," Iris said, saluting.

As the trivia night wrapped up, Iris took out her phone and began scrolling idly on Twitter.

"Hey Iris," Korra said, nudging her slightly.

"Hmmm," Iris murmured, not taking her eyes off a meme on her phone.

"Isn't that your girl from the gym?"

Iris' head instantly snapped up, and sure enough, Adi was right then. Her red hair was one that Iris could always point out in a crowd filled with people.

For a moment Iris wondered what Adi was doing here, then remembered that she was a Computer Science major.

Adi was right at the front, with a huge smile on her face. Turns out that she had come first in the trivia competition and was currently receiving a gift card.

This did not surprise iris in the slightest, knowing how much Adi seemed to love animation. It almost seemed like fate that the last question was about Megamind.

A warm feeling spread through Iris as she looked at Adi. Tall and beautiful as ever, with that soft and radiating smile of hers. Iris swallowed hard to push whatever feeling that was coursing through her away.

Iris watched Adi receive the gift card and make her way back to her seat. She was sitting at the left of the room, next to a South-East Asian girl with long dark hair streaked with silver.

Iris watched as Adi began talking and smiling with the girl as she showed her the gift card. They looked cozy, and Iris noticed the way the girl touched Adi when she talked. Iris wondered if Adi would take the girl out to eat using the gift card she won.

Jealously surged through Iris. Green, bright, and bitter, and she swallowed hard as she diverted her gaze from Adi. Guilt immediately followed this jealousy. Iris knew that she, of all people, had no reason to be jealous, especially as she pushed Adi away because she was too scared of her feelings and facing them head-on. Iris took another glance at Adi, who was laughing with her teeth.

"She seems to really know her animation," Korra said from beside Iris.

"Yeah, seems so," Iris replied dryly. "This event is over, right? I'm ready to go."

James came to pick up Korra for a date, and Iris was left to make the journey home alone.

The weather was soft against Iris' arms. It was a little chilly, causing Iris to pull her jacket tighter around herself. She had just made it home to her empty apartment when her phone buzzed in her pocket.


Do you want to go out for a late-night snack?

Iris smiled instantly, her mood immediately lifting. She quickly typed out a response, accepting Niki's invite. Immediately, she received another text from Niki.


Okay, come to mine and we can go together from there.

Iris had just closed her apartment door behind her, but quickly opened it again, putting on her shoes.

On My way.

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