Chapter 10: I Pass Through Fire

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Let's crank up the heat

A song caught their attention, Allura, Keyleth and Kyria blink as they looked out and saw the purple glow of Bigby's hand as Scanlan was riding it.

"They came..." Kyria whispers with a smile. "Scanlan." Keyleth said with a smile "Keyleth, if we fetch your friends, could you and Kyria buy us some time?" Allura asks as Kima took her hand.

Keyleth just blinks at her, "I mean, we can certainly try." she answers, Kyria grabs whatever confidence she could and steps forward, "Yes, but please be quick." she answers.

With a flash of white, the two gasped, shielding their eyes momentarily then look back as Allura and Kima were gone. "Whoa. That's... a really could trick." Kyria mutters to herself. Both looked up, at the portal.

"More's coming through!"

The flame tamers straining under their spells.

"It's going."


the Fire Ashari saw the primordial fends, some headed towards them, but Kyria frowns as she ran forward, "Kyria!" Keyleth calls out, reaching her hand towards her.

The fends charge towards her, and Kyria jumps forward, motioning with her arms, summoning the winds around her, her eyes blazed as her gem glowed pure white, lands on her feet, and shot her hands right at the fends.


Grog fends off the incoming fireballs of the primordial fends. They charge right at the barbarian. But were cut right down. Their lava blood sizzles and pours right off the black onyx blade.

"I hunger."

Craven Edge growls as it was not what it wanted. Grog pulls the blade up and looks at it.

"Feed me."

It demands of him, "Well, I'm trying, but none of these guys got bloody insides." Grog shouts at the sword, Jason stops as he smashes a fend's head, blinks, and looks at the half-giant. "What was that buddy?" Pike calls out as she summons her mace, fighting off a fend.

Grog blinks for a moment, "Uh... I just love me some blueberry pie." he calls and ran off, Jason watches him run off, 'What?' he mumbles.

Pike stops and looks back, "Wait, wh-what?" she calls out, then looks at Jason, who just shrugs at her. "Shit, shit, I am very flammable!" Percy cries out as he ran with fends right on his tail.

Jason sighs, "Hang on, Percy. I got ya." he calls out, hurrying after the gunslinger.

Vex ran, the fends shooting flames down at her and she quickly dives behind a pillar. She watches a few flies past her. She whistles, summoning Trinket as they both charge into battle.

She fires her arrows, taking a few out as Trinket charges after a few, Vex jumps forward as she dodges flames fired at her and she takes one out in front of her.

But didn't account for the one right behind her, she jumps back in surprise. But a mace was slammed right into the head of the fend, killing it.

Then Pike drops down and Vex smiles at her and appeared right behind her once again, Two council members appeared from a swirl of light. "Hey," Kima said with a wave.

Vex then jumps back once again, both blinked and looked up at them, "Wait, what?" Vex questions as she realizes who it was. Pike jumps off the dead fend with a smile on her face, "Allura fucking Vysoren." she proclaims.

Allura just smiles at her, "Not my middle name, but I'm pleased to see you as well." she informs them as they turn, keeping their eyes on the two. "Quickly, Kyria, Keyleth, and her father need our help," she warns them.

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