Chapter 11: The Challenge of Kamaljiori

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The crowd roars with the cheer of the champion that stood again a few. The half-giant Grog Strongjaw charges, slicing the Craven Edge at his opponents.

The blade drank in the blood as Grog was fast and rendering his opponents dead at his feet.

Grog laughs with excitement, soaking in the blood of his opponents, losing himself to the bloodlust as he ran the last of his opponents.

The blade drank in the blood, and the crowd cheers for him, applauding the champion. The cheers roar in excitement, chanting Grog's name, making him look at the people that sat in the crowds and smile.

"Grog! Grog! Grog! Grog! Grog! Grog! Grog!..."

He pulls away, raising his biceps into the air, and flexes for the crowd, he loved it. The power. The attention. The strength. It was enough. It was all he needed.

But as he retrieves his blade, he gasp, eyes widening in horror as the opponent before him was not a tall, strong, gladiator.

But a small and gentle gnome.

She gasps in pain, looks up, and reaches out to Grog. Pke. Trickfoot. Stain in her blood as he looks at the half-giant in shock. "Grog." she shocks out.

He was frozen in his place, shaking in horror as he then looks at the opponents he flew earlier.

It was his friends, stain in their blood, laying limp on the stone and ice.

Scanlan Shortholt.


Percy De'Rolo.

Jason Brassfoot.



And Kyria.

All dead and murdered. By him. By the very blade, he wielded as it just laughs. "No," he mutters in horror, stained by the very blood of his friends.

Their eyes were hollow and empty, and the laughter of the blood continued to echo in his head.

Pike groans as she continued to reach for him, he took a step back, staring at her in horror.


Kevdak spoke up, making him look behind him and see the half-giant that stood in the distance of the void of blood.

"You've made the herd proud, Grog."

He assures him, with a sickening smile on his face. Trembling at the sight of the giant as his heartbeat grew louder, beating quicker in his ears.

"Please... no," he begs, the blood dripping with the blood of Pike Trickfoot. She reaches her arm out for him, trembling at the realization of what her best friend has done.




Jumping awake with a gasp, Grog pants, taking in the cold air of the winter forest.

Immediately taking in his surroundings. He looks and saw it was still the forest, after they left Pryah, flicking his eyes down at the group of people that slept near him.

His friends were all right, fast asleep as the campfire went out a while ago. He exhales with relief as it was all just a terrible, terrible dream.

He looks over and saw his best friend was still all right, asleep in her bedroll, allowing himself to relax.


Craven Edge calls out, his eyes immediately flicking down at the blade that laid right next to Pike and he quickly pulls it away from her, wanting to keep the blade a good distance away from her.

Vox Machina Book 2: Threads of FateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang