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As I drive my Prius down the long driveway that leads to Wyatt's farm, thanks to Wyatt fixing it, I try to avoid the new house that had been built a mile away from the main one. It was still beautiful—a white house with a wrap-around porch just like the main house, and there are two rocking chairs placed on top of it, the bile rolling around endlessly in my stomach. I can't think about Wyatt and Caroline sharing their morning coffee together. I can't think about the decorations inside of that house and how they probably created their life together here. Caroline's hair brush, her makeup, her clothes... It wasn't my stuff, and the thought makes me sick. 

I purposefully speed past to get as quickly as I can to the main house. Wyatt is standing by the stables with Dolly at his side, along with his horse, Charlie. The smile is permanently plastered to my face at the sight of them, at how long its been, and I practically jump out of the car with a bounce in my step, the house a mile down the road vanishing from my mind.

"Hi, Macey," Wyatt says, sending shivers down my spine. "What trail do you want to take?"

There are so many on the farm. Together, Wyatt and I have explored each and every one, but I don't want to tell him that the one that leads to the pond is my favorite. Too much happened there, and it might not be the best place to go during our first hang-out-session as friends since the breakup.

"You pick," I say. I lean over to press my nose against Dolly's muzzle, earning a sweet little sigh from her in response. It's been far too long.

He nods and glances at Dolly. "Do you need a mountin' block, or do you want me to help you on?"

I place a hand over my heart in offense. "I still know how to ride, you know. You taught me, after all." With an easy grace, I use the stirrups and swing my body over, grimacing at the soreness my hips will more than likely have tomorrow. "See?"

He smiles, and my chest becomes tight at how truly beautiful he is. He's wearing a white t-shirt with jeans and a pair of cowboy boots. His hat is placed securely on his head, and I watch the muscles in his arms flex as he mounts Charlie. "I think she missed ya," he says. "Normally she's fussy when she's mounted."

I pet her mane, admiring the silky strands and bend down to kiss the top of her head. "I remember," I reply. "I missed her too."

"Could also be her old age," he says. "The older they get, the calmer they are."

Even though it's been years, no time seems to have passed as I gently tap Dolly's side with my heel, grasp the reins, and trod beside Charlie, following Wyatt's lead. Autumn is soon coming to an end, the October weather slowly being replaced by the winter chill, but today, the sun is shining brightly, leaves from the surrounding sycamore trees on the trail creating a picture perfect painting.

We ride in silence for a few moments before I ask, "How long have you lived down the road?" I should have kept my mouth shut about it, but I need to know. I need to know just how much Caroline is a part of his life.

"About two years or so. My Dad and I started building it awhile back before he got sick. It took longer than I wanted for it to get finished, but it's done, and I love it."

My heart breaks at the mention of his father. "I'm so sorry about your Dad..." I say, trying to find the right words to console him. "If I had known then I —"

"I know," he replies softly. "I know you would have been there, Macey."

Veering off to the right through a thicket, my pulse thuds loudly when he chooses the trail that leads to the lake. He always knew it was my favorite, but I thought he wouldn't pick it for obvious reasons.

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