Chapter 39

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I struggled to rise as Kohl's massive body pinned me to the ground. I knew he was trying to protect me, but with all hell breaking loose around us, I only wanted to stand on my two feet and fight. Precious seconds ticked by, and finally, Kohl lifted his mass from me and pulled me to my feet. At least a dozen green, pointy-eared fae were closing in on us. All of them could fly, which pretty much meant we were screwed.

They had some sort of scepter from which a blue bolt of magical lighting came. Kohl shoved me behind a tree as another bolt was hurled toward us. It hit Kohl square in the chest, and I screamed as he crumpled to his knees.

Jen shrieked, and my eyes were drawn in her direction. Two of them were chasing her. I watched as Leon hurled a blinding ball of light in their direction. It went off like a nuclear explosion when it hit its target.

"Damn it, Leon!" Kohl cursed as he bound to his feet and rushed toward Leon, tackling him to the ground.

"Don't kill them," he hissed. "If we kill them, all hell will break loose, and there will be nothing between the mortal and fae realms."

Realization dawned on me. That was why Kohl was not fighting back. If they killed the Enforcers, there would be nothing protecting the humans from the fae, and they would have free rein to wreak havoc in the mortal realm.

"Well, what's your plan? To just stand here and be killed?" Leon yelled over the chaos as the two of them evaded another assault.

"This is where brains over brawn come in handy," Kohl shouted, sending a hurling ball of black mist toward an Enforcer and knocking him to the ground.

"We will surely die then. You are greatly lacking in brains." Leon hissed and pushed Jen towards me. The two males take off, drawing the Enforcers away from us. I glanced around, picked up two sturdy tree branches, and handed one to Jen.

"I don't know about you, but I have no intention of hiding behind this tree like a damsel in distress."

Jen took the weapon I offered and smiled. "Neither do I."

We both follow Night Realm formation as two Enforcers turn back towards us, sneering with hate. Even as humans, we still have our Night Realm training, which made us forces to be reckoned with.

They were on us so quickly we barely had a chance to act. We avoided the bolt of magic as it burned the tree behind us to the ground. Jen took a knee and quickly cupped her hands as another one heads in our direction. I ran towards her and stepped into her hands. She pushed me upward with surprising strength. I flipped through the air and came crashing down on top of the Enforcer, bringing him and his wand crashing to the ground.

The jolt of hitting the ground knocked the wind from my chest, but I didn't have time to breathe as two more head toward us. One was low and attempted to ram Jen, but she knocked him out of the air with the branch I gave her.

She winked at me smugly, but it was short-lived. I watched, unable to do anything, as another bolt of lightning came unexpectedly from another direction. Jen cried in pain as the magic licked the skin of her forearm. I rushed toward her but felt like I was moving in slow motion. The air turned rancid with the stench of burnt flesh.

I felt the magic buzz as it charged through the air and braced myself as it was hurled in my direction. If I died here today, at least I would die a warrior's death. Kohl materialized before me and pushed my body roughly against a tree. He had me entrapped between him and the tree with his forearms braced on either side of me. The blue lighting struck him in the back, and he gritted his teeth in pain.

"Run!" he growled through clenched teeth.

I do not hesitate to duck underneath his arm. I hit the ground and rolled away as Kohl turned and knocked his assailant from the air with his magic. When I saw that Kohl was no longer in danger, I turned towards Jen, who was crumpled on the ground. Before I reached her, Leon scooped her up in his arms, and all four of us dashed toward the tree line.

"Blind them, Leon!" Kohl yelled.

Leon stopped, still holding Jen close to his chest, and raised one of his hands as all twelve Enforcers advanced on us. Kohl stopped running, gripped my neck, and forced my face to his chest as the entire area was flooded with a light that was so bright it burned my skin. Kohl held my head securely in place until the blinding light subsided.

Leon rushed past us with Jen swaying in his arms like a rag doll as Kohl pulled me behind him. When we reached the woods, Kohl silently motioned for us to stop. He held me tightly to his side as Leon pressed his back to Kohl's. A black mist rose from the ground and surrounded us.

I gasped as the Enforcers recovered from Leon's magic and rushed toward us. Kohl slammed his hand over my mouth as they came just a few feet from us. I could see them clearly, but they looked around like they couldn't see us. I released my tense breath when I realized Kohl was cloaking us in his magic.

After several seconds, which felt more like a lifetime, the Enforcers eventually rushed off in the direction we had been headed. Kohl held his mist up until he was sure they were gone and slowly let it fade.

"We have to keep moving. We can't stay here. We are like sitting ducks." Leon readjusted Jen in his arms and headed off in the opposite direction of the Enforcers. I followed directly behind him, trying desperately to get a look at Jen's injuries.

"She'll be ok. Her breathing is strong." Leon broke the silence and, for once, looked at me without a nasty scowl. With his hackles down, I finally caught a small glimpse of his resemblance to Kohl. But almost as instantly as he showed me his kinder side, the beast reemerged and took over again.

"You should be concerned. Your lack of training nearly cost this worthless human her life."

As evil overtook Leon's features, I stepped back as he growled at me. I collided with Kohl's chest. I glanced up at Kohl, whose face went rigid with anger.

"Don't make me break your neck, Leon. I'm already on a high from the battle. Killing you will bring me great pleasure."

I plastered my back to Kohl, more so to hold him back than out of fear of Leon. The two of them face off, neither breaking eye contact.

Jen started to squirm in Leon's arms, and Leon finally looked away from Kohl and down at Jen.

"What in the sprites happened, and why is my body on fire?" Jen whimpered as she pulled her injured arm protectively toward her chest. Tears flooded her eyes. Her skin was seared so severely that you could almost see bone. Leon took off again without another word to either of us, and I rushed to keep up with his long strides.

"And who gave you permission to carry me?" I heard Jen snap at Leon, and I couldn't help but smile at her strength and pluck, even with such a grave injury.

"You need to learn some manners, little mouse. Perhaps it is I who shall teach them to you." Leon whispered in her ear.

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