Chapter 3

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"Stand still. You are only making this more difficult for yourself and me." Ellie snatched against the laces of my dress until I was sure she intended to cut off my air supply.

"By the stars, Ellie! Are you trying to kill me?" I pulled away from her and walked towards the shimmering floor-length mirror made of ice. 

I all but blanched when I saw my reflection. Ellie had twisted my hair until it was less unruly curls and had pulled it all to one side, securing it with a delicate pin that resembled a pink flower. The dress chosen for me hung loosely from my bare shoulders and brushed against my curves as it ventured down to the floor.

"Who chose this dress?" I asked in disgust. The color was a blush pink, only a few shades darker than my skin tone.

"Her Majesty, of course."

"Of course," I repeated sarcastically, shoving my shoes on, and stormed towards the door. I didn't even make it across the threshold. Waiting on the other side of my door was my stepmother, Grimhilde. She glanced down at me with disapproving eyes.

"You take this long to ready yourself, and you are still not presentable," she hissed disdainfully. I bit my tongue and stood stark still as she circled me like a vulture.

"How I ever convince Prince Junis to marry you, I will never know." She waited for me to respond, but I kept quiet. 

We had played this vicious game of cat and mouse since I was a child, and I had always found it best to keep my mouth shut. My father always took her side regardless of what she did or said. It was like she had him under some wicked spell. I never understood how she could turn my own father against me. Leaving here would be painful, but no longer being in the clutches of Grimhilde would ease the blow considerably.

"The Summer Realm people value things of beauty, and you are anything but... Junis will run for the hills when he sees your snow white, pale skin and that horrid ebony hair." She gripped my chin and forced me to look at her.

She never missed an opportunity to tell me how hideous I was. Tears stung my eyes, but I withheld them. With her telling me most of my life that I was ugly and no one to tell me otherwise, I was convinced that I was monstrous. I swallowed past the lump forming in my throat. Crying in front of her always brought her joy, so I shoved my emotions down as deep as they would go.

"Your grandest feature is your lips. Perhaps, he will find pleasure in lips that rival the red roses of his land." I snatched my face from her hands and waited for her insults to tire.

She seemed almost disappointed that I would not join in her banter and would not stoop to crying. I stood up straighter, holding my head high, which seemed to make her angrier. Her eyes ran down the length of my body, and when they rose back up to my face, there was an evilness in her eyes that made me quake.

"You are dismissed, be quick about it. You have already forced him to wait on you, and believe me, dear; princes are not accustomed to waiting for anything." Without glancing her way, I walked off toward the great hall, collecting what little of my pride I had left and prepared myself for my ultimate demise.



"Mother, you wished to speak to me?" My angel approached from behind as I watched Icelyn disappear.

"She grows more beautiful with each passing day," I hissed under my breath.

"Mother?" Ruffin caught my attention, and I smiled sweetly at him.

"Nothing, my heart. Tell me, where did you find her?"

"Just as you said, deep within the forest. It took everything within me to reach her in one piece. Her powers are greater than anything you predicted."

Curse her! I knew the weather today was her doing. I had suspicions that her power rivaled even that of the King of the Winter Realm, but I had no proof. Beauty and power were something that was coveted, and Icelyn seemed to have it all. I would have ground my teeth in frustration, but I might ruin my perfect smile. Ruffin raised an eyebrow at me, and I turned back towards him.

"She has become a problem too great for us to ignore any longer." I ushered him closer.

"I thought marrying her off to the Summer Realm was your way of getting rid of her?" Ruffin asked as he glanced nervously around.

"It was, but I never expected such power to be within that little brat. Once she is no longer under my control, someone in the Summer Realm is bound to find out what she is truly capable of, and if that news gets back to your father, he will surely denounce your claim to the Winter throne and give it to her. Power is everything," I hissed in his ear.

"She will never take what is mine." Ruffin puffed out his chest and I placed my hand on his cheek.

"Exactly, my love. That is why we must ensure that she is dealt with permanently." I smiled wickedly, and my son's smile matched my own.

"Tell me what to do?"

I pulled him along with me and into my room. I quietly closed the door and reached for a box on my vanity. I should feel ashamed, but I didn't. I had this box made shortly after I married Icelyn's father. I was just waiting for the day I would use it. I had gone soft over the years. I couldn't bring myself to kill a small child, but that child was now a woman. A very beautiful and powerful woman.

"Before the sunsets on this day, bring me her heart in this." I passed him a wooden box etched with beautiful snowflakes. Ruffin seemed hesitant to take it, but he eventually closed his fingers around the box and shoved it into his pocket.

"A fitting final resting place for our little Winter Princess," I cackled. 

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