Chapter 14

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I had never been so tired or sore in my entire life as I dragged myself up the stairs leading to the castle. I also had never been this happy in my whole life either. Even though it had been a grueling day and my body ached, and I had cuts, bruises, and blisters everywhere, they were a small price to pay for everything I had learned.

No one had ever taken the time to work with and train me to be anything other than a skirt and a piece of ass for the highest bidding noble. Now, I felt like I had a purpose, and even though I was still not thrilled to be in the Night Realm, I was determined to make the most of this opportunity, especially if Kohl was going to train me to control my powers.

I reached for the door handle to my room, but my hand was plucked midair. I was startled as Kohl stood before me, cradling my hand in his palm. He lightly brushes his thumb across my mutilated palm. Everything within me cried for me to pull my hand away, but he was so gentle and his touch so pleasing I didn't have the self control to tear away from his touch.

"You did well today. You should be proud of these warn little hands." His voice was like a low rumbling thunder and did unspeakable things to me.

I could easily hate the cocky, mean-spirited Kohl, but the soft spoken male in front of me, the one caressing my hand and giving me compliments, was uncharted territory. He stepped closer, never releasing my hand. I froze in anticipation as he leaned in close.

"There you are! I have been looking for you everywhere."

I pulled away from Kohl, ashamed I had nearly allowed him to kiss me, as Jen rounded the corner and stopped beside me. She looked suspiciously from me to Kohl but thankfully didn't say anything at all.

"Take Icelyn to the women's bathing chamber. She is in desperate need of soap." Kohl grinned wickedly at me and walked away before I had a chance to retort his smart remark. Jen grabbed onto my arm and pulled me in the opposite direction.

"Come on, I think I'll join you. I need a cold dip myself after witnessing that heated exchange." Jen smiled knowingly, and I pulled against her, stopping her.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I know what I saw. If I hadn't interrupted, I do apologize for that; by the way...Kohl would have eaten you alive, you lucky girl."

"You are mistaken. There is nothing between the king and me."

"Umm hmm, sure, your mouth says one thing, but your body says another." Jen grabbed my arm again, and I allowed her to lead me on.

"While we are discussing the Night Realm king, tell me why everyone calls him by his given name?"

"Oh, Kohl doesn't believe in a hierarchy; he treats everyone the same and expects us to do the same for him."

I found all of this odd. What kind of kingdom did he run where everyone was treated as equals? It was unheard of.

We reached the bathing house, and once we entered, the temperature increased several degrees, and the air became thick with steam and scented soap. Jen grabbed two lush towels, and we walked inside.

I stopped dead in my tracks as the room opened to an extravagant bathing pool the size of a small lake. My cheeks heated with embarrassment as a dozen naked female fae splashed in the pool or sat lazily on the side with their feet dipped in.

"I take it you are used to a private tub?" Jen snickered and quickly shed her clothing, and stepped into the pool.

Apparently, I am more spoiled than I thought. I find the thought of bathing in front of strangers in this harem downright appalling. The longer I stood on the edge with a distraught look on my face, the more eyes turned my way, and whispers rose.

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