Chapter 42

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Once back in my realm, my body sagged with fatigue. I was going to find the closest bed and sleep for a week.

"Where have you brought me?"

Or maybe I wasn't...

The little human paced around my room like a mouse in a lion's den, which was the exact description of her situation. I fell backward onto my bed and exhaled to alleviate my rising frustration.

I knew bringing her here was a mistake, but I didn't have much choice. With my powers dwindling, I barely had enough energy to get us both here. I could not manage dropping her off in my brother's realm and returning to my own. There was also a regrettably small part of me that didn't want to return her to the Night Realm, but I wasn't going to dwell on that insane notion.

"Calm yourself, little mouse. You are in my realm. Once I have regained some of my strength, I will return you promptly to your precious Night Realm." I closed my eyes, completely done with the conversation, but the human continued to screech at me.

"I can't stay with you, especially in your room," she hissed.

I sat up quickly in the bed and watched as she took a tentative step backward. I glanced down at my paw, now realizing that my beast form was fully on display with the glamour gone.

"If you utter another peep, I will throw you in my dungeon and throw away the key." My voice rumbled as a roar escaped my lips.

She pressed her lips into a thin line and slowly lowered herself to a nearby couch. My eyes danced over her slight form and pinched face before I shed my clothes and crawled into my bed.

"Couldn't you at least give me my own room to sleep in?" Her voice was timid like a hare, and I answered her question with a room-shaking roar.

"Ok, ok. Geez, you are such a grouch when you are sleepy."

I relaxed when I heard her settle onto the couch. In all fairness, I should offer her a room to herself, but for some reason, I want her close to me, especially with my powers and strength at an all-time low. Hearing her steady breathing and the strong thump of her heartbeat made me more at ease. Her breathing deepened, lulling me to sleep like a gentle lullaby.


The scratching of nails against glass had me snarling in my sleep. I popped up from the bed and looked toward Jen, sure that she was disturbing my slumber yet again. To my surprise, she was nestled deep in the couch's cushions in a deep sleep with her knees pulled to her chest like she was cold.

The retched noise continued, and it took me a few seconds to register it was coming from within my mirror. I rose, cursing each second that I was missing my much-needed rest. I snatched a blanket from the end of my bed and threw it on top of the little human. I scolded myself for allowing my eyes to linger on her longer than they should. I stomped across the room and angrily crossed my arms over my chest as I stared into the mirror.

"There you are, my love. I missed you and couldn't bare not seeing you any longer." Isadora's voluptuous form filled the mirror's edges as she pressed her body close to the glass.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, where a headache formed.

"Isadora, please, not now. I am tired and have little patience for your moods right now."

"I just wanted to see you. You have been gone for what feels like an eternity." She ran her finger suggestively along the glass seam and batted her eyes at me. I waited for her to stop her little show and get to the point.

"Did you get my book?"

And there it was.

"Kohl has it," I told her, heading back toward my bed.

"Kohl!" she hissed. "That was not part of the plan, my dove."

I turned back towards her, my frustration rising with each passing moment. "Kohl is just as weak as I am. There is no way he will be able to do anything with your precious book until he is rested."

"Now that is interesting news."

I wished I had kept that information to myself when I noticed her eyes glaze over with greed, but what did I have to fear? For now, she was trapped inside the mirror.

"You know you have to bring the book to me if you wish to shed your beastly form. I am the only one that can undo the curse."

"So you have told me many times." I can't keep back the growl that rumbled in my throat.

That fact was the only reason she was still alive. I saved her all those centuries ago while Kohl still believed she was dead. Every time I relished my betrayal, I got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Isadora pouted and exhaled in frustration as the silence stretched between us. "I tire of waiting," she interrupted the silence.

"You tire of waiting; what about me! How would you like to go around looking like this." I snarled and pushed my clawed hand to the glass to further amplify my point.

"You are in good shape compared to me, believe me."

I allowed my eyes to travel from the top of her head to the tip of her toes.

"You look fine to me."

"Appearance can be deceiving," she purred at me.

"So can witches." I made clear that I did not trust her, even though long ago, I loved her with my entire being.

"Oh darling, you have nothing to fear from me. Bring me my book, let me out of my gilded cage, and I will return you to normal, and we shall live happily ever after. You and I will rule this entire continent. Just think of the power we will have, me with my book and you with your army that can weld steel. We will be unstoppable."

Something about her mannerism told me not to trust her, but she had and will always have an undeniable hold over me that would make me do anything for her.

"You will have your book by the week's end."

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