Chapter 4

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My heart grew heavier with each step, and my pulse pounded in my ears. I reached for the handle that would open the door to the great hall but stalled when I saw tiny snowflakes falling in front of me.

I gasped and turned around to ensure no one saw me making it snow inside the castle.

"Get it together, Icelyn. You cannot very well enter the great hall in a cloud of snow," I whispered to myself.

I breathed deep, trying to collect myself, but my heart only thunders louder, and the snow picked up intensity, followed by a whoosh of arctic wind.

To my horror, the wind rattled the doors and finally broke through with a mighty bang. All eyes turned my way, and my father stood from his throne as he looked at me harshly.

My body freezes, as does the blustering wind and snow, as I stood embarrassed and petrified in front of my father, his royal court, and our visitors. Finally, my father breaks out in a hearty laugh, and I wonder if he had lost his mind.

"If you wanted to make a grand entrance, daughter, all you had to do was ask. I could have done a much better job than Sigfrid."

I was dumbfounded as my father mentions Sigfrid, his first in-command's name.

"Where is he? He blew the door open and then left, didn't he? I will have words with him about this later."

I finally snapped out of my stopper and hurried forward with a sigh of relief. My father thought it was Sigfrid who blew the doors open.

"Do not be over harsh with him, Father. It was my idea."

My father waved his hand, signaling he was done with this conversation, and once again, I exhaled with relief.

"Icelyn, allow me to present you betrothed, Junis."

A large male fae stood and approached me slowly. The closer he came, the bigger he seemed. His skin was the color of bronze and sparkled like gold when the sunlight hit him just right. He was rippled with muscles and had long blond hair that nearly rivaled the length of my own. He stopped mere inches from me and smiled down at me. His honey-colored eyes sparkled as he reached down and gripped my hand, slowly bringing it to his lips.

He was breathtakingly beautiful, but my ice-cold skin did not mesh well with his scorching touch. I swore I heard my skin sizzle when his lips touched the back of my hand.

"Do not worry, princess. You will warm up once I get you to my home," he said with a debonair smile.

"That is what I am afraid of," I whispered as he ushered me forward.

"Now that you have met my daughter, let us depart to the war room. We have much to discuss before the feast this evening." My father stood and started towards the doors that led to the war room.

Junis reluctantly releases my hand, and I felt instant relief from his scorching touch. If just touching his hand caused this much discomfort, I could only imagine what our wedding night would be like. I shuddered just thinking about it.

I turned to leave the great hall but was stopped by Junis's voice. "I would have the princess join us in the war room. As the future queen of the Summer Realm, she must become accustomed to the talk of war."

I know my mouth gapped open, but I can not help my reaction. I had never been allowed to join in the conversation of men. I could tell by my father's face and my brother's reaction that neither of them was pleased with the prince's request, but I knew they would not deny our guest's request.

The prince held out his arm and waited for me to take it. I reluctantly placed my fingers inside the crook of his elbow and braced myself as my fingertips hissed at the contact with his skin.

He ushered me into the war room and pulled a chair out for me to sit by his side. Maybe this union would not be so bad. At least I was allowed to sit in and listen to the discussion of the upcoming war.

My eyes danced around the room until they landed upon the large map of Gregorian. The lower half of our land was divided into four realms, the Winter Realm, the Summer Realm, the Fall Realm, and the Spring Realm. Towards the top, the most considerable portion of land was divided into the Night and Day Realm.

For as long as I could remember, the four lower realms had been engaged in constant warfare while the Day and Night realms kept to themselves. I was eager to learn what had changed and why the Day Realm had declared war on all of Gregorian. The Day Realm had more inhabitants than any of the lower realms, forcing the four smaller courts to come to a temporary peace to ward off a more prominent mutual threat.

The leering stare of my brother caught my attention, and I turned and looked at him. His eyes were enflamed with anger. Surely, he was not that distraught over my being here.

My father cleared his throat, and all eyes turn to him. Before he could speak, an eerie black mist filled the room, swirling in a mesmerizing motion. Gasps and cries of fear echo throughout the room.

"It can't be..." My father slowly stood and carefully approached me as if any sudden movement would be his demise.

My heart hammered in my chest. My father feared nothing, so what was this mist, and why did it cause him such alarm?

"Be still, daughter; make no sudden movements." My father stopped directly behind me, and I was shocked that he was standing protectively over me and had left Grimhilde to fend for herself.

"The Night Realm," Junis whispered under his breath, causing my heart to cease to beat.

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