Chapter 24

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"What should I wear tonight?"

It felt like butterflies danced in my stomach as I shuffled through my wardrobe.

"Let's see, the Queen of the Night Realm is meeting the King of the Night Realm at midnight for a rendezvous..." Jen bumped me out of the way with her hip and began to search through my clothes, throwing the ones she didn't like as she went.

"I'd say something sexy that says take me now, you sexy beast, and don't be gentle." I laughed at Jen, not wholly disagreeing with what she said.

"This..." Jen pulled out a delicate sheer black dress and handed it to me.

"Where did this even come from?" I asked as I slipped it on.

"Well, isn't it obvious? A male picks out clothing for his female that is pleasing for him to see." I stepped out from behind the screen and looked at the gown.

Never had I worn something like this. The sleeves were long, and the entire top from the waist up was made of a delicate, sheer black lace appliqué. My pale skin was on display for all to see. The neckline plunged to just above my navel, and the A-line of the skirt was a flowy, sheer material with a slit to my mid-thigh.

Jen left my hair down, and it flowed down my back in long black waves. The clock on the dresser chimed, signaling it was midnight, and my heart fluttered.

"Go get him. Make me proud." Jen winked at me, and I rolled my eyes at her as I walked out of my room and towards the courtyard.

I was grateful I did not pass anyone on the way. Anyone who saw me would know exactly what I was up to by how I was dressed. I walked down the stairs and waited patiently in the courtyard, with my heartbeat drumming in my throat.

A black mist began to swirl in a memorizing pattern around me, and I held my breath until Kohl appeared. He materialized behind me and pulled me towards him until my back was tight against his muscle-laden chest.

"You could kill a male looking like that," he whispered to me and gently bit down on the shell of my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned back into his embrace, tilting my head to expose my neck.

Something blue flashed before us, and I straightened up and looked into the darkness. A tiny blue creature was at the main gate. It swayed slowly like a tiny blue flame. It had an oval body, a flame-shaped head, and glowing eyes. It was actually kind of cute.

"What is that?" I asked Kohl, who reluctantly left the path he was trailing along my neck and looked up.

"That, my queen, is a will-o'-wisp."

I blinked a few times as I focused on it. It hummed in a soothing ethereal voice, beckoning me to follow it.

"They say if you follow a will-o'-wisp, it will lead you to your destiny." Kohl came alongside me and motioned to the creature.

"Why don't you follow it and see if it leads you to your destiny?" I looked up at Kohl, surprised that he would suggest such a thing, particularly at a time like this.

"You are coming with me, right?" My eyes pleaded with him as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I can't. Will-o'-wisps will only lead you to your destiny. If I come, they will disappear." I looked at him and then back at the will-o'-wisp, who still taunted me to follow it.

"I am to go into the forest at night alone?" I pushed him further to see if he would let me go.

"You are the queen of the Night Realm, no one in this court will dare bother you, and besides, I will not be far away."

I smiled like an excited child getting ready to embark on an adventure. "But what about our special night?"

"Will-o'-wisps don't show themselves to just anyone, and if you miss this opportunity, there might not be another. Go, you will have me for the rest of your life."

I smiled at him, stood on my tiptoes, kissed his scruffy cheek, and slowly walked towards the will-o'-wisp. Once I was about a foot from it, it disappeared. I looked around, afraid that I had scared it away, but almost instantly, another one appeared ahead. Soon there was a glowing blue trail of will-o'-wisps, swaying gently in the breeze and leading me deeper into the forest.

The further I went, the more I wondered if I should turn back, but it was like the little creatures had me under a spell. I had to see where they were leading me.

Another appeared ahead, smiling at me as it hummed a beautiful tune. I walked up to it, and it disappeared. I looked around, but another one did not appear. The dense forest opened to a small clearing, and I walked toward it.

My breath caught at the scene before me. A small waterfall emptied into a small, deep, blue pool, and there was a stunning weeping willow tree with beautiful purple blossoms in the center. The moonlight above shone through the vegetation, spotlighting the tree perfectly. As I walked closer and looked through the branches that hung so low they brushed the ground; I saw Kohl leaning against the tree trunk.

I pushed the branches aside and walked inside the shelter provided by the tree branches. I looked around and saw pillows and a blanket spread out on the ground.

"You planned this, didn't you?" I smiled as Kohl walked up to me and lightly ran his fingers across my jawline.

"Perhaps, or perhaps I am your destiny." Kohl kissed me with such a fiery, urgent passion that I felt my breath being taken away.

He slipped the sleeves of my gown off my shoulders and continued his scorching path of kisses along my neck. He kept pushing the dress until it was in ruffles at my feet. He stepped back and looked at me entirely, making me feel like the most desirable female in the entire world. Without a word, he scooped me up in his arms and laid me gently on the blanket he laid out for us. As he started to undress, I didn't think I had ever seen a more perfect body, and I loved every inch of him. He leaned in for another kiss, and I gave myself to him completely, heart, body, and soul.

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