Chapter 10

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Night had fallen by the time we entered the Night Realm, so the only way I knew we were no longer in my land by the eerie feeling that burrowed its way down to my bones.

My two escorts shot upwards and looped around until they flew on either side of Nero. Their antics made me even more nervous than I already was.

"Stay close, princess. There are all kinds of evils here that go bump in the Night Realm."

I was hellbent on doing the exact opposite of everything they said to me, but it was probably best to stick close to the guards at this precise moment. They tossed their shades from their face, and one of them looked my way. I was not surprised that their eyes are as black as their souls.

My breath caught in my throat as a massive, looming castle came into view. I was honestly astounded at how beautiful it was. In a land as wretched as this, I did not expect to be impressed by the dwelling place of the Night Realm king.

The dark castle was much larger than my home in the Winter Realm and sat on top of a cliff. A massive waterfall poured from underneath the castle, creating a serene scene, and behind the court were the most beautiful and bright moon and stars I had ever seen.

Nero whined nervously as we began our descent. As we got closer to the ground, there was a strange sort of vegetation that gave off a fluorescent glow, which made it easier for me to navigate Nero to the land. He pranced around nervously as unknown calls and noises emerged from the darkness around us.

I jumped from his back before he could rear; my dress caught on his stirrup. Urgently, I grabbed the material and pulled it until it ripped, releasing me before a tragedy occurred.

"Easy boy!" I tried desperately to grab his reins as he reared, spreading his massive wings and shooting off into the sky.

"Nero! No!" I screeched and bolted after him on foot.

One of the guards gripped my arm, stopping me. "We will find your beast, princess, but you cannot enter the forest. You will not make it back alive."

I snatched my arm from his embrace but did not go any further. I knew that they were right. A tear escaped and slipped down to my chin. Nero was all I had left in this world, and I was unsure if I could go on if I lost him.

The guards quickly abandoned me and flew off in the direction that Nero took. I swallowed past the emotional lump in my throat, hoping and praying they would find him before it was too late.

Behind me, a strong wind stirred, and I turned to see another creature I had never seen before as it slowed its descent and landed before me. A beautiful female fae with wings and a beak like an owl stood before me; she was truly a sight to behold. She had the elegance of a female but was built and dressed like a warrior.

"You must be the Winter Realm princess," she said disgustingly, looking down at my battered, torn dress.

"I am Athen, second in command here in the Night Realm. You are to follow me to your sleeping quarters."

"Icelyn." I supplied my name, but Athen turned to leave as if my name was of little importance.

"You are a female, yet you are second in command?" I asked, surprised that a female would hold such a position.

"Is that a problem?" She stopped and looked at me with disdain.

"On the contrary, I find it fascinating," I said honestly.

With a hmm sound, she turns and continues on her way. We make our way up a grand stairway and walk inside. The Winter Realm castle was always heavily guarded, especially the entrance, so the Night Realm's lack of guards confused me.

"Where are all the guards? Does the king of the Night Realm not value his home enough to protect it with a war looming on the horizon?" Athen never stopped as she laughed over her shoulder at my question.

"What need do we have of guards with Kohl as our leader? No one dares enter our land; if they did, he would know it instantly."

A good piece of information to store away until later. Surely the fact that they did not have guards would be a weakness of this realm. A bit of annoyance flared in my stomach as I followed her up a dark staircase.

"So he knows I have arrived, yet he was not here to greet me?" I don't know why I cared, the fact that he was not present should make me happy, but it didn't.

Athen stopped this time, coming dangerously close to my face as she whispered. "You are no longer in your realm, princess. Kohl could care less that you are here. You are a means to an end and nothing more. I suggest you lose your haughtiness, for here, you are nothing more than one of his subjects or concubines, whichever he chooses."

She stormed off, but I stopped dead. Did she just say concubine? Anger seared its way through my icy blood. There is no way I would ever be his concubine or anyone else's, for that matter.

I sped up to catch up with Athen. We walked through a dark hallway lit by strange golden lights until we stopped in front of a massive wooden door. She turned the knob and motioned me inside.

"The fact that you are royalty has granted you special privileges. Kohl has instructed me to put you in your own room rather than the south end of the castle where the other concubines reside." Her beak turned upward in what I assume to be a smartass smirk.

"I am no one's concubine," I growled.

"You are whatever he says you are." Athen turned to leave.

"We shall see about that." I turned away, refusing to continue the argument.

"I suggest you stay in your room, princess. All kinds of evils lurk around in the Night Realm that would love to eat you up."

I heard her laugh as she closed the door behind her. I turned, my anger getting the best of me again. With both palms downward and open, I sent several shards of ice toward the door she had just exited. The wood splintered as the ice sank deep into the door and the frame.

"Bring it on."

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