Chapter 28

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I wasn't going to make it. This pathetic human body, the enchantress, had given me was at its breaking point. I was fatigued, my muscles ached, and I was sure I would fall over dead if I walked just one more step.

I slumped onto a nearby rock with tears threatening my eyes. I was so close, and it looked like I would fail my mission again because of this body. I pulled my shoe off and was horrified by the blistered skin that was there. Never in my life had I had such imperfections.

I gripped my head as the forest around me started to spin. I had to find nourishment and water before I perished to death, not that it would matter. If I didn't get out of here quickly, the Night Realm king would become savvy to my presence here and kill me anyway. At least, that should be a quick death.

I jerked upright when I heard limbs breaking around me. I was utterly helpless in this form. I didn't even have my powers because, believe me, I had tried to use them several times as I walked through the Night Realm. This was a cursed land with demonic creatures and evils that could quickly end a fae's life, much less a scrawny human's.

I ducked behind a tree as a horrid-looking bat-like male entered the clearing and looked straight at me. "What are you doing out here, Jen?"

I froze. Was he addressing me, and why did he call me Jen? I eased from behind the tree and tried to look up at him with as much confidence as possible.

"I'm afraid I'm lost," I said in a timid voice that I hoped sounded like a changeling slave.

"Lost? You? You've been in the Night Realm almost half your life." He scoffed at me, and I fell to my knees.

"Forgive me, please, do not punish me for my mistake," I pleaded with him. I knew that if he decided to beat me in the state I was in, I would not survive.

"Punish you? Have you gone mad? You have been out in elements too long." He gripped me under my arms and hauled me up to my feet.

"Yes..." I stammer. "That's it. I am in desperate need of water and food."

He was looking at me strangely, but eventually, he pushed me ahead of him. We walked a while before the forest opened up to reveal the palace. I snorted to myself at the irony. I was so close to it that I could have thrown a stone and hit the castle walls. My nerves increased tenfold as we walked into the courtyard, and I swallowed the lump rising in my throat. I was actually here and being escorted right into the lion's den.

Once inside, my escort left me, and I looked around curiously. I was still trying to decide which way to go to find Icelyn. I stood there like a fool as precious time ticked by, I certainly did not want to run into the king, and if I wandered around aimlessly, I would likely do just that.

Just when I finally decided to go down a hallway to my left. A voice stopped me. "There you are, Jen. I have been looking for you."

A Night Realm female approached me and pulled me behind her. I am drug into a kitchen and can't help but lick my lips at the smell of the roasting meats and vegetables. When the fae wasn't looking, I crammed food into my mouth and swallowed it quickly. I'm surprised that such a barbaric court has such good food, but it was probably because I was to the point of starvation.

"That's Icelyn's tray, be a dear and take it to her?" The older fae motioned to a tray piled high with food, and I could hardly believe my luck.

"I am sure she is famished. Just imagine our Queen battling slavers and saving the little siren princess all in one day!" The older fae smiled, and her eyes went starry as she spoke of Icelyn's accomplishments. I rolled my eyes, I had only been here a few minutes, and I was already sick of hearing these fae talk so highly of Icelyn.

"Where is she exactly?" I asked, scooping up the tray of food.

"In her room, I imagine."

"Which is where?"

As Icelyn's human slave, I should know this, but I took a gamble anyway and asked the woman where her room was.

"In the west wing...honestly Jen, I worry about you sometimes..."

I rushed off in the direction she indicated before she could question me further. I placed the tray on a table and pulled the apple from my pocket. It glistened in a very appetizing way. There was no way Icelyn could resist the temptation of biting into this juicy piece of fruit. I placed it on the tray with a wicked smile on my face.

Once in the west wing, I started at the first room and quietly opened each door, hoping I spot Icelyn soon. I carefully closed the door and turned to open the next one. The tray I was holding bumped into someone, and my precious apple hit the ground and rolled across the floor.

I gasped, and my body froze in fear as I stared up into the face of the Night Realm king. My heartbeat completely stopped as he bent down, picked up the apple, and looked at it. Something flashed in his eyes, but he put the apple back on the tray.

"Pity to waste such a good-looking apple. You'll have to throw that one away now and get Icelyn another." His voice was deep and commanding, and my body quivered in fear.

He watched me closely, and it was all I could do to avoid fainting with fear. With him this close, I knew he would be able to see through the enchantress's spell.

"Yes, of course, my lord," I stammered, unable to hide my fear in his presence.

"My lord?" One of his sharp eyebrows shot up in question, and he crossed his arms across his massive chest. "You are acting strange, Jen. What exactly are you and Icelyn up to?"

"Nothing," I squeaked like a trapped mouse.

He looked me over again but then quickly continued on down the hall.

"Get Icelyn a fresh piece of fruit and be quick about bringing her food back to her. I understand she has had a busy day," he yelled over his shoulder as he disappeared around the hall.

I exhaled the breath I had been holding since bumping into him and slumped against the wall. I had to hurry up. There was no way I would survive another encounter with him. He already seemed suspicious. I had to kill Icelyn, and I had to do it now.

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