Chapter 43

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"Kohl! I thought you were supposed to be resting!"

I tried to escape him, but he latched onto my ankle and pulled me towards him. He pushed me back against the pillows and secured me in place by covering me with his large body.

"Really, Kohl." I could not help the excited schoolgirl laughter that escaped my lips as he trailed kisses down my neck.

"Who needs rest when I have you? You are my strength, Icelyn."

My struggles ended as quickly as they began. Who could resist a sexy male saying things like that to them? I let myself get lost in the feel and scent of my mate. After the week we had in the mortal realm, we both could use a little outlet for our pent-up anxiety.

"I think you are strong enough now to go get Jen, don't you?" I laughed as he teased my exposed sides with the tips of his fingers, causing goose pimples to break out on my flesh.

"You have to give me a proper send-off first." His voice was so husky with desire my head spun, and my toes curled.

"Please do continue...It's not like we have the most deadly book in the world in our lands."

I sat up immediately, slamming into Kohl's chin as an unexpected voice interrupted our lovemaking. I scooted to the headboard, clinging desperately to the black silk sheets to cover my exposed body. While Kohl leaned on the bed lazily, propping his head in his hand.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of your company, Leon?"

Leon materialized at the side of the bed I was closest to, with Jen tucked to his side.

"We have pressing matters to attend to, but I cannot blame you for dallying. If I had someone like her to warm my bed, I would also be easily preoccupied." Leon leaned closer to me to make his point, trying to catch a peek at what I had hidden beneath the sheets.

"Oh, by the sprites." I cursed under my breath as Kohl leaped from the bed and slammed Leon into a nearby banister, cracking the frame and bringing pieces of the ceiling crashing down.

"Your such an idiot, Leon. Do you have a death wish? On second thought, go ahead and kill him, Kohl." Jen rolled her eyes and sat beside me on the bed.

I pulled her closer to me, inspecting her for injuries. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" I could not conceal the panic rising in my voice.

"Yes. As a matter of fact, he did. His brutish attitude severely cramps my normally peppy mood."

I rolled my eyes as I released Jen, satisfied she had not been harmed.

"Kohl, release that worm, and let's get on with the task at hand." I pulled the bed sheets with me as I gathered my discarded clothes.

"Look at her again, and I will make you uglier than you already are," Kohl growled in Leon's face, releasing him.

Leon gasped for air as Kohl walked towards me. He waved his hand, and I was suddenly no longer in need of the sheet to cover myself. I dropped the sheet and walked over, and stood beside Kohl.

"Have you made any progress with the book?" Leon asked, ignoring that his brother just tried to kill him.

Brothers. I rolled my eyes and focused on Kohl. In truth, he had said very little about the book since our return.

"I can't even get the damned thing to open." A growl worked its way up Kohl's vocal cords, and he held his palm up, making the book appear.

Leon snatched it from Kohl's hand and tried to pry it open.

"If I couldn't open it like that, there is no way you can." Kohl grinned slyly at Leon, who scowled at him.

"This is no time for whose pecker is bigger." Jen interrupted them by forcing herself in between the two males.

Leon gave up trying to use brute strength and threw all of his Day Realm magic at the book. Kohl cursed and quickly drew me toward his chest to shield my eyes from the bright light.

"Thanks a lot for the warning, hairy." Jen blinked her eyes a few times, trying to regain her sight.

Leon responded to her with a low, threatening growl.

"It's useless. We need someone who knows what they are doing." Leon huffed in frustration.

"What about the mirror fairy? She is the one that told me where to find the book." Jen piped up and turned towards the mirror.

"What mirror fairy?" Kohl's voice turned deadly as he looked toward the mirror that Jen was motioning to.

"She must be in there. This mirror is the same as the one in my room." Jen walked up to the mirror and peered into the glass.

"You have been talking to someone inside the mirror?" My body began to tremble at the seriousness of Leon's tone. Was it truly possible that Jen was telling the truth? What kind of creature resides inside a mirror?

Leon walked over to the mirror and looked back at Kohl. "If this ends badly... Forgive me..."

Leon pushed the book toward the mirror, and I watched in fascination and horror as the book easily glided through the glass's surface. Kohl was moving toward Leon to stop him, but it was too late. When the book was inside the mirror, a force like an explosion came from within and knocked us several feet away.

My head collided with the marble floor, and I strained to get up. I blinked a few times to clear my blurry vision as my head pounds with pain. Kohl instantly appeared, pulling me to my feet and forcing my body behind him.

I gripped his biceps from behind as ear-piercing wicked laughter that would haunt my dreams for the rest of my life came from inside the mirror.

"Finally! I am free!"

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