Chapter 2

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No matter how hard I tried to ignore the desperate emotions of Icelyn, they still managed to pick their way into my brain. I gripped the bridge of my nose where a throbbing headache had formed and focused on her.

"There you are, my little snowflake."

I could see her clear as day. She was simmering with anger as a little female brownie rushed to fix her hair. I smiled to myself as the vision of her started to blur. The Winter Court's efforts were in vain. There would be no joining of the Winter and Summer Court, not with Icelyn anyway.

She was mine, and it was about time they learned that. I had sat by idly for years, knowing she belonged to me, and yet, I did nothing about it. I felt her every emotion. Prowled around in her dreams, but I went no further. I did not want a mate, they were a weakness I could not afford, but now they were trying to join her with another, and there was no way I would allow that. I knew it was a mistake showing myself in another realm, but to me, she was worth the risk.

"Ready or not, my little snowflake, here I come."

Court of Nightmares and RuinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant