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'And to end this meeting, I just have to address one more topic. As everyone knows, the restrictions on the budget cap will only become stricter from now on. So, in order to make sure every penny is as efficiently used as possible, we hired someone from a third party to help reallocate some of the cash flows within the team.' Christian Horner said as he looked around at almost every member of the Red Bull Racing team standing in the motorhome restaurant.

He lifted one of his arms and directed his hand towards Iris next. 'Everyone, meet Iris Jansen.'

Awkwardly Iris waved to her new colleagues, not being able to really say something as all eyes were naturally directed at her.

Christian laughed a little. 'Don't be shy Iris. Step a bit forward and tell everyone a bit about yourself and what you'll do.'

In the back of her mind, Iris heard Judy's voice telling her that first impressions are literally everything and that she should try to show the strong person that was hidden inside of her. So, she stepped forward and lifted her chin a bit higher. 

'Thanks for introducing me, Christian.' Somewhere it felt a bit weird to call her new boss by his first name, but he insisted on it when they first met. 'I feel really honoured to be in the heart of motorsport, so thank you for giving me this opportunity.'

A sniff of disapproval sounded on her left and Iris quickly glanced to see where the sound was coming from. She wasn't even surprised when a pair of blue eyes rolled before they looked straight at hers. Max crossed his arms and started tapping his toes against the floor, definitely ready to leave this meeting right away when Christian would call it to an end. Oh yes, Max, it's going to be one hell of a time together, Iris agreed inside her head.

'As Christian already said, my name is Iris Jansen. I studied Economics and Management at Oxford University and specialised in both consultancy and accountancy. Currently, I'm living in London and working at the biggest finance office in the UK.' Iris repositioned herself in her place and switched her weight to her other leg to get more comfortable. 'If it's okay for you all, I would like to just walk around the next two days to see how things work within your team. Afterwards, I'll try to crush the numbers as efficiently, but also as comfortably for you, as possible. So please, if you have any ideas about how things could be improved, let me know. I'm always happy to receive input from the people around me.'

Iris looked around at all the pairs of eyes, and for a second she was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of new faces around her. Nevertheless, she straightened her back and kept looking at everyone with a smile on her face. 'Well, that was a brief introduction. Maybe you have some questions for me?'

A guy on her right who, if Iris had to guess by taking a look at his clothing, was part of the pit stop crew lifted his arm real quickly and spoke up. 'What's your favourite movie?'

Laughter spread through the room and Iris found herself laughing along. Yeah, that's true. She only told things about her professional life. 

With a chuckle, she answered the question happily. 'I think it would be "A simple favour" or "The longest ride". I never seem to be able to choose between them.'

Another arm went up on her other side and Iris turned her head to the girl who was standing next to Max. Even though Iris wanted to look at the girl, she couldn't help but check Max out first, who was standing with his arms crossed in front of his chest, obviously annoyed and bored by this meeting.

'I actually have two questions, if it's okay for you?' Her voice sounded soft and sweet, almost like the ones who play the angels in movies.

Iris nodded instantly. 'Of course! Go ahead.'

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