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A little gush of wind passed by Iris while walking together with some of her colleagues towards the van that was waiting for them at the parking lot behind the paddock.

'It's honestly so nice to have met you all.' Iris said while waiting for her turn to crawl into the van.

A brown-haired girl named Veronica sat down with a sigh at one of the seats. 'Oh, it definitely was! We needed another girl in our little group.'

'Right?' Linsey pressed out of her lips as she bent down her head a bit to crawl onto the last available backseat.

Once Iris closed the door behind her after she sat down as well, Emma, the girl Max interrupted while asking questions at Iris, spoke up. 'I still don't understand why all the guys think all we do is drink tea and cry. We do such other things than that, right?'

The engine of the van started to roar underneath the hood and the driver put the vehicle into the first gear to get towards the hotel where the team was staying this weekend. 

Iris glanced at the driver quickly but turned her head towards Emma not much later. 'Really, don't let that comment of Max get to you. He's just a big douche.'

'Yeah, about that, what is going on between you and Max?' Linsey asked without any kind of shame. It almost sounded like she had been holding back this question for ages.

All eyes were on Iris and she simply rolled her eyes to display her emotions towards the star driver of the team. 'Nothing. He's just a prick, who can't handle someone who'll go against him.'

The voice of Veronica sounded from the back of the van. 'Well, I'll put my marks already down. Something will happen between you two.'

Iris turned around where she saw a proud face of Veronica. 'If you mean that I'll punch him in the face once, then yes.'

'Oh no, all of you girls know damn well what I mean. I've got a feeling that there will be chemistry between you two within no time.'

Uneased, Iris moved a bit in her seat. 'He annoys the hell out of me, so don't blame me for putting him back in his place.'

Emma patted softly on Iris' leg. 'And that's why we love you already so much. That guy honestly scares the hell out of me sometimes.'

'Ah come on girls, he's not that bad.' Linsey tried, but Veronica immediately responded.

'That's just because you work with him almost twenty-four-seven. You're blind to his rudeness.'

The van took a sharp turn to the right and the girls put their hands somewhere on their seats to make sure they wouldn't lose their balance too much. As soon as the van was on a straight again, the engine started to rumble more, giving the girls the green flag to start talking again without paying attention to the road.

Even though Emma hadn't been contributing much to the conversation, she thought this was the time to speak up as well. 'Believe me, I've been working a lot with him as well, but he hates the marketing side of the job. And let's say he equals the marketing employees to his hate for marketing. His rudeness has never disappeared for me either, even when I have to work a lot with him.'

Softly, Iris started to chuckle. 'I'm sorry Linsey, but I think everyone is on my side in this matter. He's a douche who thinks he owns the world and everyone should fall right at his feet.'

A hand with red-coated nails patted softly on Iris' shoulder, followed by Veronica's voice. 'Yes, and that's why he's going to fall for you. Mark my words. You speak up, unlike the others.'

'Girls, has anyone ever seen Max in love? Like, what he behaves like?' Emma asked suddenly as she turned around on her seat with one of the corners of her mouth turned upwards.

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