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The last meeting ended around seven in the evening. Every time Iris left the room to get to the next one, one of the girls was waiting outside for her to guard her as she walked to the next room. They made sure she wasn't left alone with Max. Iris's best guess was that the group was already aware of what happened that day once their star driver had left towards his driver room. She was thankful that no one had asked particularly about what had happened yet. Everything was still being processed inside her mind and whenever she was in the meeting room, she could just feel Max's eyes on top of her. The more grateful she felt for her last meeting that was just with her own financial team.

'Okay, then let's divide the work like this.' Fred said when he closed his laptop in front of him. 'Everyone is going to be at the factory tomorrow afternoon, right?'

All five members nodded their heads to confirm.

'Perfect. Then let's all have a great night and we'll see each other in Milton Keynes tomorrow.' Fred said as a closure to this meeting.

Iris put her laptop back in the backpack she had brought today and got up from her chair, all ready to leave the track. She looked at her phone and saw a couple of messages from Mick that had gathered during the end of the afternoon.

Hey, where are you?

I'm at the media pen right now. Do you have any meetings afterwards?

Okay, I assume you are stuck in all different kinds of meetings. Good luck!

Are you still at the track?

'Iris?' Brent asked next to her.

Iris's head shot up from her phone. 'Yes?'

He sat down on top of the desk next to her as soon as the three other members had said goodbye and left the room. 'I just have been dying to ask you what was going on between you and Max this morning.'

The question made her think about it all. 'Yes, that's a good question. Let's just say we don't get along that well. We somehow have some friction between us.'

Iris got up from her chair and put the bag around her shoulders, all ready to leave the place and call it a day.

'That's some heavy friction then.'

'Maybe I should let you in on a little secret.' She said as she smiled.

After telling Brent the plan the girls had made up, Brent started to laugh. 'I love it! You already have that guy wrapped around your finger, mark my words. You definitely have!'

Iris laughed along, but there was this thing inside of her that couldn't make her laugh that loudly. Maybe she had wrapped him around her finger, yet he had done something to her that she just couldn't deny. The tension between them was only getting stronger as the days went by.

Veronica stepped into the financial office. 'Are you ready to go, Iris?'

'Yes, I definitely am.'

Together with Brent and Veronica, she left the office and walked down the hallway.

'Lovely plan you girls made.' And that's the last thing Brent said about the challenge before moving on to the next topic; the plans for tonight.

Veronica and Brent discussed different clubs to figure out which one was the best to go to tonight. Even though everyone was in the party mood, all Iris wanted to do was crawl underneath a blanket and watch a movie. This day had been exhausting again. It felt like she could sleep for ages before she would naturally wake up again.

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