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Without even knowing what kind of numbers were exactly written down on the page, Iris turned it around to let her eyes scan the next one. A brand new hour of her working day had already gone by, but she couldn't focus at all. Her mind kept being stuck with the events of the night before. The dinner, the conversation with Max, the way Mick and Alex convinced her to join and especially the therapeutic talk with Lando outside.

Different voices of people that were walking by, travelled through the little opening of the window that was opened to let some fresh air in. Well, fresh air? It was bloody hot outside and she honestly could only survive within this little office of the financial team where an air-conditioning was stationed.

'Are you okay, Iris?' Fred asked.

Iris leaned back on her chair and rubbed her eyes in such a way, that her mascara wouldn't be smeared under her eyes. 'Yeah. Just a bit tired, that's all.'

A few papers were moved in front of Fred and he looked up at her while wiggling his eyebrows. 'Ah, partied too long yesterday evening? I heard some rumours you had quite some fun up there.'

'Rumours? I may hope they're good ones?'

Fred had totally caught Iris' attention. What kind of rumours were going around about her?

Totally satisfied, Fred crossed his arms. 'Oh, yes. No need to worry! I just heard from some people that you're quite the dancer.'

In her mind, Iris went back to the evening before and she quickly reminded the way she had let herself go after one more shot of vodka together with Alex. All she wanted to do was to get rid of that voice in her head. And let's say that she took Lando's advice to try it out. To do the exact opposite it was telling her to do.

'Hmm, those rumours could've been worse.' She simply said and got up from her chair. 'Anyone who would like a coffee as well?'

Chad's head shot up from the paperwork he had been focused on since the minute he got in. 'Oh yes, please! I definitely need a caffeine shot to get through this all.'

If Iris had learned one thing from the previous day, it was that Chad was a real coffee addict. The day before he had gone through ten cups of coffee. To her, it wasn't a surprise that he would accept her offer to grab some coffee.

'Black with one sweetener, right?' Iris squeezed her eyes while guessing his order.

A bright smile appeared on his face, 'Quick learner. You've got it totally right.'

Fred and Justin declined the offer friendly, and Iris went on her way to the little restaurant that was on the ground floor of the motorhome. She hopped down the stairs with ease and greeted any colleague she came across. Even though she had only been here for one day, everything already felt so familiar to her. Like she could be here her entire life and feel at home. Once she entered the restaurant and ordered her and Chad's coffee, her phone started ringing in her back pocket. Amazing timing. With a simple movement, she took it out of her back pocket and read the name of the person who was video-calling her: Jonas.

She excused herself to the girl who was preparing the coffee for her and told her that she would be back within a few minutes. As a lot of people had gathered in the restaurant, she picked up the phone and stepped outside into the heat.

'Well, if that isn't a surprise!' She said happily as she saw her brother appearing on the screen.

'Hello to you too, little blondie!' Her brother knew damn well that she had never truly liked the nickname, but it didn't keep him from using it still after all these years. 'I was just wondering how you were doing! I hadn't heard from you since you hopped on the plane.'

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