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With a drink in her hands, Iris followed the boys of the Williams and Haas team through the room that was filled with people. The number of people even felt a bit suffocating to her, which made her regret her decision to join the party. But just like Alex said, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And if she thought back to the happy faces of Mick and Alex as soon as they saw her entering the lobby, she knew she made a good choice. Yes, she only knew these persons just one day, but they were such good people. She couldn't let them down on day one.

The loud bass of the music vibrated through her body, making her only more aware that she was really doing this. On their way to the venue, the guys told her that not all drivers were joining these parties. Most of the time it was always the same people who decided that a party was an amazing idea just before the weekend took off. Just let some steam off before the hectic life started again. And let's say that not only the drivers had these thoughts. No, many people from the marketing teams within these racing teams were thinking the exact same thing.

Mick noticed that Iris was getting behind, so he grabbed her hand to make sure he wouldn't lose her in the crowd. It was a simple and easy gesture that made Iris feel safe. There was something about Mick that made her feel seen. He could make her feel at ease. And honestly, Iris hadn't experienced that feeling very often, which only made it feel more special to her.

As soon as they reached the group, Mick pulled a bit harder on her arm and made her twirl around on her feet before she stood still next to him, and a laugh escaped her mouth.

'Look, you're perfectly at home here.' He said with a smile on his face that was contagious as hell. 

It made her chuckle like a little teenager. 'Oh stop it. I'm still a stranger here.'

He directed to her with his index finger, his eyebrows lifted and then he stepped right into the group.

'Ladies! Gentlemen! May I have your attention?'

A blush immediately shot to Iris' cheeks as faces were turned towards Mick. Speaking of awkwardness...

'May I introduce you all to-'


A shiver shot across her body as soon as she heard the voice that was saying her name. It was the same voice that had been shouting at her in the hallway of the restaurant that evening. Not even one single time the thought had occurred to her that Max would be here as well.

'Max.' She simply said back as she looked into the cold blue eyes of his.

In the corner of her eyes, she noticed Mick scratching his neck. 'Thanks for ruining the moment Max, but yes, this is Iris. Everyone, Iris. Iris, everyone.'

Some "Nice to meet you" and "Good to see you" sounded around her, but her eyes were still attached to Max's, who was walking over to her. Yet, he turned around as soon as Dave appeared on her left side and started talking to her about tonight's dinner to start some small talk. Apparently, Max wasn't planning on talking to her when she was surrounded by other people. Iris thanked David once more for switching places with him during dinner, and while she was talking, all she felt was Max's gaze on her. He was watching every move she made, which made her uncomfortable. It almost felt like she was a sad little rabbit that was hiding in a cave from a very big evil hawk. One wrong move and the hawk would get her and shred her to pieces.


As the evening passed, people came over to talk to Iris and introduced themselves to her. Even though she tried so hard to pay attention to the words people were saying to her, she couldn't get into the conversation. Everything around her felt like a blur and she had no clue how to remove that blur. She wanted to be in the moment and enjoy meeting all these people, but ever since the breakdown in the ladies' room, she hadn't been able to get back to reality without this stupid blur. She knew she was distancing herself from the world, preventing herself from getting hurt by the people again. Yet it was that voice in her head that was hurting her more than the people.

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