10 Years Later

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I always dream of you and i,
Loving each other without saying a goodbye,
However all dreams can't be true,
Yet, i still want it to pursue

I badly want to talk to you,
Promise to listen in what you up to,
If that happened, maybe i'll be happy
And I'll forget all my problems lately

My friends say "move on and find someone new",
Because he doesn't notice and care for you,
Although they are all saying the reality,
I still want you whatever will be

If only i had a courage to say,
That I'm admiring you everyday,
Will you give me a chance maybe?,
And will you never run away from me?

Maybe the time wasn't in favor,
But we can't be sure,
What if I'll see you again after 10 years,
Will you love me back without saying later?

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