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When I arrived home it showed 7.03 pm in my phone. Yuen went to take a shower as soon as we got, I went
to the balcony and took the empty long vase and kept the lavenders in it, yuen came to me after 10 minutes and
said - "go and take a bath,
I'll be in the room".
I nodded and went to take bath. When I returned, Yuen was asleep. I quietly admired the beauty of the lavender
in the vase, enjoying the peace and tranquility of the moment before
heading for my own rest . I tried asleep but I couldn't. I tossed & turned
in my sleep. slowly I stood up from bed and walked to the balcony where I was taking in the beauty of the lavender. I was reminded of Yeon and found myself wondering why, despite our fights, I was still drawn to him. I
sighed & looked out into the night sky, hoping for an answer. At the moment I realized that I don't have bitterness on rainy nights after I met yeon,  "HOW COULD BE EVEN POSSIBLE?".

I wondered by questioning myself. But I knew one thing -whenever our eyes meet, it is always on rainy days, with lavender by our sides. Suddenly the rain began but with
a little twist. In a flash I saw someone holding my hand with terrified but shining eyes telling me-" we will be able to experience a moment of peace in the midst of chaos in this life. I will
feel the warmth of your smile & the rain will be only witness, we will be
together, and nothing else matters."

suddenly I felt dizzy, so I went to bed. When I woke up, I was unable to take my mind off the mysterious flash I
had. I was sure I had seen those eyes before, but I just couldn't't place them,

Yuen shook me & asked -
"are you okay? I felt you were in some sort of thought"

I look up Yuen with a startled face. " I was just thinking", I said, " I had a weird thought I I felt like I know the
person I saw in it. It was so strange", I
continued, "I feel like I can't shake the feeling. I know this person, "

Yuen looked at me sympathetically & said - "Maybe it's just a feeling you have. Don't worry about it too much? we have to go to work it's almost 8 now!"

"WHAT.... why didn't on call
earlier me"

" I'm sorry "- yuen replied,"I thought you were already up"she added.

I  went to get ready ,after a few minutes I came and said -"let's go, we're already late", with that she grabbed the keys and we left for work.

Meanwhile Yeon and Qiao left to pick up Ryan from home . Currently they are heading to the HR company. They all entered the HR company and began the selection process.

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