Case of the missing princess: old friends

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tom was once a member of the bad guys in their time of crime thanks to his brilliance of creating traps for mice and police.

6 years ago, The bad guys and Tom were in a car chase when they just robbed a jewelry store, Tom and wolf were admiring the gems and diamonds they stole.

"Isn't this the life Tom" wolf asked.

"You bet ya wolfie" says Tom who is being played by Richard kind.

But then trouble was coming when they laughed, they heard sirens.

They looked back to see the police were catching up to them, the gang and Tom looked at each other with a smile.

"Tom, is you don't mind" wolf says.

"Don't worry, I'm on it" he pulls out a bag of his famous traps.

The first one was Can of oil, he threw it out on the street, it tumbled and rolled then once the police get clover, Tom looks back, he pulls out detonator then he hits the button and the oil can exploded painting the streets with oil.

Causing three police car to spin in circles then when two more were catching up on their tail.

Tom threw out a ball made of nails, and when it hit the ground, nails scattered tearing holes in the tires stopping the cars.

The bad guys watched as they were most impressed.

"Wow, nice one Tom" webs says but he reach in his bad deep as he was still looking for something.

"That's nothing I got one more trick up my sleeve" he pulls out a putt at head shaped bomb.

He throws it and purple smoke puffed out, blocking the cars causing the  police to stop, then he drops a sheet over another one, making  all the police cars stopped, giving the bad guys the perfect getaway.

They all cheered for Tom, he loved being praised.

"Let's hear it for Tom, the cat with the bag of surprises"

"Oh it was nothing guys, really"

Then shark lifts him up as they chant his name.

" Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom"

Tom was the best friend they ever had, he always knew how to get his friends out with a trap.

"To Tom, what would we do without you" wolf says

"Oh I Don't know"

Everything in their life was great....until three months all came crashing down.

Tom was back in the hideout, he was tinkering with a new trap...but it was for mice.

He looked like he had a lot on his mind then he heard the bad guys coming in, after they just pulled off another heist.

"Hey Tom, you just missed this amazing heist it was great" wolf laughs as he puts a bag of stolen money down and sits on the coach with the others.

"So what's up" wolf asked.

But Tom gets in front of everyone with his suitcase packed.

"Actually you guys I have an announcement to make" he looked nervous.

"I'm leaving the team"

This news shocked the bad guys very bad, "WHAT!" They all looked shocked.

"You're what? But why?"

"Because I'm sick and tired of doing the same old thing, I want to make something out of my life, I want to go out and see the world, so I applied for a mouse trap company, I sent in my I start Tomorrow"

Everyone looks at him then to each other with sorrow and wolf gets up.

"Well I guess this is good bye tom" wolf get up, he approached Tom and they both hugged.

"Afraid so"

They let go and soon everyone says their goodbye.

"So long snake" rom hugs snake.

"So long rom, I think I'm going to miss you...and your traps"

Then he moves on to shark who was bursting with tears, he pulls him in a bear hug as he cries hard.

"BYE BYE TOM" shark sobbed but he was crushing his spine.

"Ah" Tom grunts as he winced but the pain he was getting from hearing his bones getting crushed.

"Ok" he squealed, I'll miss you too big guy" shark drops him as he starts breathing, he makes his way to webs and piranha hugging them both, they jumped on him.

"So long tom" webs says.

"See ya hermano" piranha salutes him when they let go.

"You guys take very good care of each other ok"

Tom grabs his things and he approached wolf, "Thank you guys for the best years of my life"

"It was an honor having you tom, I sure am gonna miss you the most" wolf and tom shook hands.

Then he heads to door, he looks back at them, they all waved and he waved back.

"Just remember one tom, no matter what happens, you'll always have a special place here" wolf says.

"And you're always welcomed back here" snaked added.

"So long guys"

Then once he left, he takes one small step outside, he takes a deep breath and starts walking to his new life.

"Time for a fresh start" he says,

But like did he know....we was about to see the bad guys ago...soon.

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