Tom and jerry: wild goose chase

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Wolf turns to Thomas, "do you know who they are?" He asked.

"Yes, they were once our old enemies" Thomas explains as they rushed downstairs.

"But why go after princess? We don't even know them?" Wolf says.

"Their names are pristine figg and mr lickboot" Jerry explained.

"But What do they want to do with princess?" Wolf asked.

"Simple mr. Wolf, they were hired to kidnap princess" Jerry says.

"What?" Everyone was shocked.

"pristine figg and mr lickboot have a history for kidnapping the fortune, you see me and Tom  foiled their attempt to collect robyn starling's money"

"Don't forget what they did to kitty galore" Tom reminded Jerry.

"Right oh Tom, this must be their act of revenge they kiddnap princess to collect her money"

"What? Why?" Wolf asked.

"That's the million dollar question" Jerry tries thinking as they head down to the lobby.

"And who hired them to kidnap princess?" Wolf asked again.

"That's the other million dollar question" Jerry says.

"So that overgrown cat we just met, he was hired to kidnap princess for them"

"Exactly Tom, he was the decoy, he would do pristine figg and mr lickboot dirty work and they would take princess"

"But Where are They?" Wolf asked one more time as they exit out the suite.

Then Jerry smiled, "that's a good question wolf, they thought they would throw us off but they didn't count on one thing"

"What's that Jerry?" Tom asked.

"Their pet cat felt a clue, during the attack I noticed a stain of yellow mustard on his shirt and when there's mustard there's franks which lead my investigation to one unknown location"

Everyone leans in closer, "the old abandoned hot dog factory"

Everyone gasped and oohed as they were impressed.

"We find the factory, we find our culprits and if we're lucky we just might find our daughter" Jerry's theory gave wolf hope.

"Then what are we waiting for" wolf said then they all get in the car and took off.

But little did they know, a pair of binoculars were watching, then turned to the cat getting arrested and taken in to custody.

The mysterious person revealed to be pristine figg spying on them and next to her was mr lickboot.

Pristine grumble and glared, they were in furry winter coats wear.

"That idiot, they'll ruin everything" pristine growled.

Then mr lickboot looks down at his phone and his face dropped.

"It's worst then that, look...the boss is calling"

He showed on the phone a called named boss was ringing, pristine figg and mr lickboot looked at each and they were both nervous then when pristine gulped, she answered the phone and they could hear the big boss on speaker in a deep tone,

"You idiots, just what were you two thinking"

"Hey, we did what you asked for: get the girl and we did" pristine tries to defend herself.

"I said to get the girl without raising any suspicion" he sighs angry, "now it's thanks to the two of you and your pet, they are on to us, it won't be long to they figure out our plan and they'll ruin everything, I ask you two to do one simple task and what do you do, you leave breadcrumbs for them to follow, if word gets out it'll be all over the news and it won't be long till they find her, the media will be all over it"

"Well what do you want us to do"

"I suggest you get off your frozen torus and get rid of them, NOW, we can't have them following us now them everything is in place"

"Yes sir"

"I want the girl delivered to me tomorrow by the docks, mess this up and you can kiss our desk goodbye" he slams the phone hanging up.

Pristine was stressed and annoyed, she already had enough problems on her hands.

"What do we do now" mr lickboot, "they'll find her at the hideout, they'll be there any moment"

But in that moment, it was that part that pristine A idea.

"Yes, that's exactly what we need to do" she smiled sinisterly.

Then with Tom Jerry and the bad guys, they arrived at a busted down hot dog factory.

"Ok we're here, let's go" Jerry says, he and Tom pulled out their guns, they carefully stealth around looking for pristine figg and mr lickboot or princess without getting caught.

"Alright pristine figg and mr lickboot, give it up, we know that you're here, surrender with princess" Jerry says.

Tom helps the bad guys find princess, "princess, princess" the bad guys whispers her name quietly.

"So Tom?" Wolf says.


"What Uh-what happened to you?"

"What doo you mean?"

"I mean i thought you wanted to sell mouse traps what happened"

"Oh see"

But just then they get ambushed by pristine as she shoots a tommy gun at them.

"Duck and cover" Jerry screams.

They all hide and Jerry tries to shot at pristine, he hits a tank of peanut oil and she hides then she shots again.

"What do we do!" Wolf asked Tom.

"Just keep still"

"WHAT!" everyone panicked.

"Don't worry it's all part of the plan" he tries to calm them down.

"How are we supposed to relax" snake asked.

"Those this always happen" shark asked

"Not really, this is a kinda a new one to me"

But then he looks up to see Mr. Lickboot sneaking away, he knew it would lead them to princess.

"But we always find our missing person, look" he points up and wolf sees mr. Lickboot.

"After him"

So Jerry covers for them as they followed mr. Lickboot to a meat locker.

He was about to open the door, when he felt a shadow was right behind him, he turns around and gasped to see the angry bad guys, then they knock him out and wolf opens the door.

"Princess, are you ok"

But when he opens the doors, they all gasped then Jerry looks up and pristine smiled sinisterly.

For all they saw on the ground was princess pink bow.

Horrified, wolf gets on his knees and lifts the bow up in his hands.

But when they get distracted, pristine and Mr. Lickboot make a run for it.

"You're too late mr. Mouse and mr cat" pristine says as she jumps out the window.

Tom and Jerry saw that they were getting away in a van.

"Where is she? What have you done to her?" Jerry demanded.

"Let's just say we got a boat to catch and you'll never see her again"

"Who are working for?" Jerry Asked

"He said that you would never figured it out, good bye mr.mouse"


Tom and Jerry watch them get away but then they see the bad guys sulking, they gathered around wolf to see her was hugging the bow against his chest.

"It's all my fault" he says

THE BAD GUYS IN: HARD BOILED DOUBLE FEATURE Where stories live. Discover now