Chapter 2

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"Are we done?" I whine as I follow my younger brother, Shoto, of all places, around a store in Tokyo. He said father sent him to fetch some things, but I have no clue why I'm being dragged around for his stuff. "It's too hot today and my quirk does not help. Why did I agree to come with you?"

"I thought you said yesterday you wanted to look for a birthday present for Natsu-nii, no?" Not exactly what I said but indeed I wanted to look for something.

"Jesus Christ Shoto, I didn't mean right away."

"His birthday is in two days," How is this kid so nonchalant about everything? It almost scares me. "I think you should hurry a little."

"So?" It's no big deal if he gets his present a little late. Besides, I have no clue what that idiot would like; he's picky as fuck. "I'll just get him a jacket or something, I don't know."

We get the stuff dad wanted, and head for the mall. Finally, I can get this over with. We enter the first men's clothing store I see and look around for something that he would like. As I lazily check through the clothes, my eye catches two little kids outside the store, sitting on a bench together.

The little boy hurt his knee and the little girl next to him is patching him up. The girl has a worried look in her eyes but at the same time she's upset with him. Maybe she warned him not to be reckless and he didn't listen to her and now she's mad at him because she told him so.

"I told you to be careful, Touya." Hina...I wonder where you are right now. Are you doing okay? Are you even alive?

For some reason, I can't seem to remember anything after the commission. Even when I asked my family, they didn't know what to answer me. They said I've been gone for a long time.

Two years ago, it was as if I woke up from a very long coma. One moment I'm in the commission, burning to death and the next I'm in a hospital bed handcuffed with quirk restrainers.

I was put on trial for many things I supposedly did. I was a wanted villain named Dabi and apparently I've killed quite a number of people. The thing is, I don't remember any of the things they wanted to sentence me for. In spite of that, I remember enough to know that this was Hina's doing. I must've met her and she erased my villain self from my memory.

It's not like I'm completely free now, I still need someone keeping an eye on me wherever I go like the old man or Shoto. At first I had trackers on me from the police and I couldn't go anywhere without the old man being right behind me. It was frustrating but I understood.

I still have the trackers, though, everyone has already accepted I'm no longer a threat to society. I've been doing some hero work at Endeavor's agency with Shoto, so I could at least look like I'm not one.

I had a talk with my family after the trial was finalized. Mostly with my father. He explained everything to me; why he wanted to prevent me from pursuing the career of a hero anymore, why he sent me into that hell, everything. I was training in secret as a child and showed my father how much I've improved but my body was badly injured because of it.

The people of the commission tricked him into thinking they would help me get a hold of my quirk and be able to control my flames. A bunch of shameless lies. After he found out about my death, everyone was of course devastated but the fact that he still kept hoping for a child that would surpass All Might was hurtful.

My dad offered to tell me everything I don't remember but I refused. If knowing about Dabi meant to disturb the peace we finally have now, then I don't want to know a single thing. I can't say the past is in the past because everything I lived scared me for life, nevertheless, I wanted to have my family back—as broken as it was—and so I shoved everything under the rug and moved on with my life.

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