Chapter 3

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I've never been this distracted while being in the agency. I've been staring at the laptop screen in front of me for what feels like hours, the pen in my hand not daring to move on the half written sheet and if anyone has talked to me, I surely didn't hear them.

It's been a month since I saw Hina. I haven't seen her again since then; or at least, I didn't want to see her.

I remembered every single day I lived as Dabi, every single day I lived with her once I saw her in the LoV. Every crime I committed, every soul I turned into ashes, and every cry I heard as I watched my flames consume them.

But if I'm being honest, that is the last thing I care about. Now that I remember, I can't help but want her even more. I'm not going to enter her life again, as much as the fact that she's happy with someone else makes my blood boil, it puts me at ease at the same time.

"Touya-nii, we have a case."

It feels unfair; I have to move on from her even if it makes me suffer while she doesn't even know my existence. If she knew me, at least she would have the chance to decide.

No, what the fuck am I thinking!? That idiot would even beg to stay with me, it's better that she has no clue who I am.


I just have to find a way not to think about her 24/7 and everything will be fine. Shouto's hand approaches face and I catch it mid-air. "Heard you the first time."

"Then, why didn't you answer me?"

"What case?" I turn my chair towards him, leaning back and waiting for him to speak.

He opens the file he's holding, flipping through the papers. "A faceless thief."

"A what now?" He takes the paper out of its folder, placing it on my desk. "What are they, invisible or something?"

"No." I took a look at the photo Shouto shows me, seeing a normal-looking man with long brown hair that matches his eye color. His nose is pointy and little bigger than it should, lips too thin for his own good- Oh, I get it now. "No one knows their real face, is all."

"So this dude can change his face however he likes." Great, he will not be difficult to find at all. Hold on. This quirk is awfully familiar. "What requirements does his quirk need in order to switch faces?"

"They can change into whoever they touch, including their body, so they can either be a she or he whenever they please." Touch, huh? Maybe I'm overthinking it but it's not impossible to have wrong information. The quirk is almost the same as Toga's, who is still wanted.

Shouto flips the sheet over and points me at his information. "We don't have a name either but they have been to quite a few towns and were last seen in Shinagawa, Tokyo."

Still a possibility it might be Toga. She doesn't have anything else to do, so might as well spoil herself with whatever she wants. But going from town to town just to steal money or jewelry? Just that? There must be something she's after.

The LoV doesn't exist anymore and half of them were arrested. She's all alone now so-

She's alone... Is she looking for Twice? She could be using this as a disguise to keep the heroes out of the way while she's searching. I'll keep this info at the back of my head when we get to Tokyo to investigate and-

Hold the absolute fuck up. Did he say Tokyo? And Shinagawa of all places?

I glare at my young brother as he keeps telling me details. "Shouto?"

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