Chapter 7

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"We're home. Talk."

I am smart enough to understand that this conversation should be done anywhere but a hospital room, so we went back home first.

Keigo takes my hand, walking us to the couch and sitting down, still holding my hand. Kaori hasn't moved from the door yet and I don't think she's going to.

"How much do you remember about him?"

"Oh, no, Keigo, that's not how things will work." I pull my hand back, cross my arms and lean back on the couch. "You will tell me everything regardless if I know it or not. As for you," I turn to my sister. "We'll talk later."

"Hina, I-"

"No." I raise my hand, motioning her to stop and point back to Keigo. "Talk."

I know I'm being harsh with her but she's just as guilty in this situation. For fuck's sake, they are my family, they're not supposed to keep secrets from me especially when they concern me.

I hear the door open and close, meaning Kaori left; probably going back to work. Keigo motions me to wait as he reaches his phone to text her something.

"I'm listening."

He's still hesitating. I haven't remembered anything about the boy in my memories, I simply know his existence. Keigo, however, doesn't need to know that.

"I'm sorry, Hina." His voice is barely audible. "I can't. I can't be the one to remind you all that..."

Of course not. Why did I even have my hopes up for him to tell me anything? I say nothing and just run to my room, locking myself in. I feel so disappointed in him and Kaori. Even Asami, who I'm sure knows just as much as they know.

I wait for Keigo to leave so I can call Yumi and check if she's free. Right now I want to be alone or alone with her and no one else. I take my phone out and text her first, before trying to call her.

When I don't get a reply, I dial her number in hopes she picks up.

"Hey, babe, what's up?"

"Hey..." When did I start crying? "Is it possible for you to-"

"Where are you?"


"Get ready, I'll be there in ten to pick you up."

She always knows what I need to calm down and get my mind off of everything going on at the moment. That's one of the many things I love about her.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."


"He did what?" Yumi says, keeping her eyes on the road as she's driving us somewhere. "I can understand why he would hide stuff from you but still; it's your life, you have every right to know."

It feels so much better when someone else is saying it and not just me.


"Wha- Hina," She turns her head every few seconds to glance at me. "You should've confronted him about this a long time ago."

"I didn't know the things I know now, Yumi."

"There is no fucking way you didn't have questions you wanted to be answered."

That's true. My attention was on the conversation and even though I was looking outside, I then realized we were out of town already.

"Where are we going?"

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