Chapter 11

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Keigo - The same night

I'm barely keeping contact with Hina anymore and it is all my fault.

I don't know what is happening to me lately. I've changed; I am fully aware of that. However, I feel as if I'm being forced to. I know myself, I know I can be a big jackass but I also know that this behavior is not me. Asami has also noticed it and that's worse because she has been experiencing this the most.

I'm even trying to keep my distance as much as I can but that is almost impossible when we live in the same house. I try to visit my mother more often and she does the same.

Mom and I are starting to get closer every time I talk with her. She even agreed to move close to us so we can see each other more often and I'm really happy she said yes this time. Hina will also be happy to hear it. I told Kaori to tell her since she won't even read my texts let alone answer my calls.

As for Asami, I doubt whatever she discusses with her mother is anything but nice things about me.

What broke me apart is what she told me last night.

"You're scaring me, Keigo. Your actions, your words... Each time you remind me of my father."

Her father.

That piece of trash that I was at the edge of murdering that day he came into my agency demanding his daughter back. I fell so low? I'm being compared to that disgrace of a father?

What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I acting this way? I would never hurt my sister or my beloved girlfriend. It's just so bizarre; right after they leave or I'm away from them, it's like a switch turns off and it brings me to this very position I'm in.

Why am I only aware of my actions and words whenever I'm not around them? Normally, when I'm on the wrong, I don't make things worse like I'm doing right now.

It's as if I'm being controlled. What if I am? But is that the case or am I just losing my mind completely? I don't want to make excuses like a child but... If this is actually a quirk's fault, I have to get to the bottom of it.

I may be a complete asshole sometimes—I am fully aware of that—but purposely breaking Hina's heart, manipulating my little angel and, worst of all, scaring Asami to the point of bringing her horrible memories. I would never do all those things on purpose let alone being aware of what I'm doing and continue to do so.

Even Bakugo noticed. He told me off the day mom sent Hina to the hospital. I never bothered to question what she said to Hina since the first thing she demanded to know was Touya. I thought she had figured out everything and I panicked.

The chilly breeze made me shiver. I should get back down at some point, it's getting late. Sitting on the rooftop and keep overthinking everything won't solve a single thing.

I have to act. If this behavior is indeed caused by a quirk, I have to find out the user immediately and right after I'm done with that, I'll get to Touya and have a talk with him. I don't care about him anymore if I'm the one breaking this family apart.

My phone vibrates in my pocket before I take it out to check the notification.

"Get down here, already. It's past midnight."

Asami. Truthfully, I'm avoiding her until I figure all this shit out because I don't want to saden her even more with solely my presence in the room.

"Please, Keigo." Oh, don't do this to me, Asami. "Answer me. I know you're reading my texts from the notification bar."

I sigh and almost laugh at how well this woman can read me. I guess I'm giving in. I place my phone back in my pocket and jump from the roof to get back to her. She was already waiting on our balcony wearing that red fluffy robe she refuses to change for another one.

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