State of Emergency

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State Of Emergency

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State Of Emergency

SHE KEPT HER GRIP on the first aid. She repeated the the steps of what to do in the state of emergency. Standing at attendance as she looked to her boss, in a state of emergency she is told to remain calm and do not panic and access the situation.

"Okay guy's I know your all a bit panicked and a little bit stressed but I need you all to remember your training." Bautista state's as she paces.

"As of right now most of the city is either without power or damaged some both, our focus is to help those we can." She tell's them, Josie take's a deep breath.

"I need two groups focusing on either school's or old folk's home, kid's could be hurt or injured where's senior folks they are most likely both, some could be on a ventilator that's on electricity." The older woman state's.

"Clem's, Ryder, Martin, you are on old folk's." She orders, they each nod their head, she turn's to Josie.

"Castillo, Booth, Geller, your on school's." She tells them, she nod's her head.
Most of the time kid's will have a broken leg, scrap or cut that need's treated, considering it was around recess the kid's would have all been outside."She explain's.

"Everyone take's the call's if you see anyone I need of help dont hesitate to stop and help.  Let's go!" She order's them, she nod's her head turning around getting into the driver seat of the ambulance.

Keep Calm, you have a job to do, she remind's herself.  She knew this is how it was going to feel for the next twenty four hours for her and all first responders all across Los Angeles. Panic, confusion and determination. She grew up in Florida and practically endured fear storm's every summer that came and went, before she was as fifteen she didn't really care to he fearful of hurricane's knowing each one was different and she would always be safe.
In this case everyone was not prepared for the earth to suddenly start roaring and breaking apart.

"Do you guy's got a signal?" Alex ask's holding up her cell phone, Josie shakes her head. " No does, the system must be taken down or overloaded." She guesses.

"Is this normal for you guy's?" Levi ask's her, she chuckle's nodding her head. "Yeah I moved here five year's ago and the shaking becomes apart of your daily life." She tell's him.

"Didn't you get earthquake's in New York?"Josie ask's him, he shrug's. "Not really, we did get this winter snow thunderstorm once."He recall's, she raise's her brow. 

"What is that?" She wonder's, he make's gesture's with his hand's. "Oh well it's like instead of rain it's snow and there's thunder with it." He explain's. 

"Their rare actually." He points, Josie look's out the window of the rig, car's overturned and fire hydrants busted open, people scrambling over destruction, her jaw drop's in surprise at the debri and chao's that the city was under. 

State of Grace [E.Diaz]Where stories live. Discover now