Reel and Raw

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Reel and Raw

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Reel and Raw

SHE TAPPED HER STEERING WHEEL. Their shifts had ended, Josie had insisted that they check on the 118, and Alex wanted nothing more than to go home and eat. Despite her being tired she went with Josie either way.

"You know we could just go home their adults and don't need checking up on." Alex points out, she shakes her head.

"I know, but I still wanna be nice," Josie says, Alex scoffs shaking her head. "Your sure this isn't something to deal with you and Diaz?" Alex wonders.

She furrowed her brows. "What? No, I've been drugged before and I know it's gonna suck the hangover from it." Josie insists, and Alex nods. 

"Yeah sure, don't think I haven't seen how you and him are getting close." Alex point's out, she shakes her head.

"Oh, what a girl and guy can't be friends?" She wonders, and she shakes her head. 

"Didn't say that." She declares.  "It's just I know you." She states she furrows her brow. 

"You know me? What does that even mean?" Josie ask's her, Alex shrugs. 

"You start being all witty with guys, you are always checking them out, and then eventually it ends with him in your bed." She recalls she scoffs. "Really?" Josie says. 

"I'm not always like that, and beside's, I don't have the time to care about dating," Josie states, Alex looked over to her friend, but she kept her eye's trained on the road.  "And the only thing I can really love is this job." She says grimly. 

"I hate that you see it that way," Alex says, she shrugs. "It's true, though."She states. 

She hadn't really felt whole, not for at least fifteen years. She loved her best friend and her family, she loved working every single day, only she would at least like to have someone by her side, someone that she didn't feel like she had to mask constantly around. 

"Jo, are you okay?" Alex wonders, she nods her head. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She says. 

"Just making sure." She says. She pulls up to the firehouse, parking away from the doors in case they get a call. 

"Well, I let you know If I'm not." She tells, she turn's the car off getting out. 

"Come on," Josie says, and the blonde shakes her head. "You go ahead I'm too tired," Alex tells her, she nods. 

"Okay, I will make this quick." She promises she closed's the car door and walks inside the firehouse, she felt a wave of awkwardness wash over her, she hadn't gone inside on her own, and usually, she had someone with her. 

She shakes off her anxiety walking up the stairs to the lounge. She can see a few firefighters were still working their shifts and some staying behind, She looked over at the couches seeing Buck right where she left him. 

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