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“Grandfather told me that I will bring glory to our Ye family in the future! In addition to that, he said that I would become a princess of the Yue country!”

Ye Li was utterly caught off-guard when he heard this statement. A princess? Was Ye Mu able to know of his hidden schemes against the emperor?

With this thought in mind, his eyes became sharper as he stared at Ye Mu.

His originally mild killing intent has shot straight up to a hundred percent!

Unperturbed, Ye Mu was ignorant of the murderous aura coming from Ye Li and was still laughing.

“Great grandfather also said that in order for our generation to achieve great things, he has given you a gift! He told me the treasure can be found on where he once lived—it’s here!” she continued.

As soon as Ye Mu’s speech ended, a cold gust of the night wind blew past them, making both Ye Li and the counselor feel chill behind their backs.

“So I came out of my room in the middle of the night! Since this dream had seemed so real, I came to look for this ‘treasure’ here. Now father, guess what I found? The dream is real! I really found grandpa’s treasure!”

However, Ye Li could only frown when he heard this. Afterwards, he stared Ye Mu down.

“Mu’er, there’s nothing here. Nothing that can be called treasure.” He enunciated slowly, his patience thinning.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt ridiculous with his self. This could all be an elaborate prank! How could he easily trust dreams as prophecies? He was a hardened general who had killed countless people and he had almost believed such a silly thing!

Instead, he tried to rationalize things and came to the conclusion that Ye Mu might have been eavesdropping and this was a poorly made up excuse to escape her imminent death.

“Father, it’s true!” Ye Mu hurriedly said, “If you don’t believe me, then see with your own eyes! There are mountains of treasures in the abandoned courtyard! When I had been tirelessly scouting the area, I accidentally fell into a pit and saw the treasures there—that’s why I’m currently dirty!”

Ye Li continued frowning, torn between two opinions. He could not believe such a ridiculous dream told by a child of all people could be true, but on the other hand, there was a nagging feeling in his heart telling him a six-year-old girl won’t have the courage to tell him such an audacious lie. And in front of his face, nonetheless!

So in the end, he complied. He would see this ‘treasure’ with his own two eyes.

Meanwhile, Mo Linyuan had been looking at Ye Mu all this time with a complex look. However, Ye Mu merely smiled at him, trying secretly to placate him.

But how can he feel at rest?

How far was her stupidity, that she was willing to give away riches worth of many generations to come for a single, irrelevant slave?

But he could only be left with his complicated emotions as they soon reached the hole in the abandoned courtyard where he and Ye Mu had painstakingly hidden it from prying eyes.

When Ye Mu brought Ye Li to the place where she had covered it with the grass and twigs, he really came to find that there was indeed a hole.

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