Chapter 17

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Day 65

Sarah glanced down at her planner as she finished her bowl of cereal. It looked like they were almost half way through the second quarter of the school year. It seriously felt like it had been a lot longer though! Was it 2 or 3 weeks until Thanksgiving break? Then just a couple more weeks after that until Winter break. 

This week was going to be another long one. She was working today, Wednesday, and Saturday and then planned to go to basketball practice on Tuesday and Thursday. What made her think a job was a good idea? Plus, Jeremy had asked her if she could go to the hospital again some time this week. For some reason his cousin was asking to see her. Sarah was feeling guilty again, but knew she would have to go and tried not to worry too much about what that meant.

Looking over at the counter she thought of the note her mom had left - it was reminding her that she had better not be falling behind in school work with all her other activities. They were wondering why she was never home anymore, even though she had been in and out some this weekend. She had made time to clean up the yard and her room, just like last weekend. Her dad had tried to turn his complaints into a fight again this weekend, but Sarah had simply gone outside to do chores and pretended she had not heard him. Luckily, he had forgotten by the time she came back least she hoped so...

Sarah finished eating and cleaned up. Grabbing her bag she rushed out to catch the bus and stopped. She shouldn't be surprised anymore, but there was Ryan leaning against his truck again.

"What are you doing here? Are you talking to me again?"

Ryan stood away from the car with a jerk. "What?"

"You were ignoring me last week." Sarah paused...she really should stop there, but her mouth seemed to have a mind of its own, "I mean, I don't really blame you after the whole fiasco last Friday and than my crazy rant on Tuesday, but still. I mean, I wasn't expecting to see you again here. You haven't exactly been talking to me for a week. "

"I wasn't ignoring you. I was giving you space since you told me Tuesday I was the problem, or at least my group was the problem. You are the one that was giving me the silent treatment."

Sarah snorted at that and went to walk past his truck. "Well, then maybe I will continue with it if that is what you think. Go give one of your cheerleader groupies a ride to school." She did not know where the words were coming from, but it felt good. She would likely regret this later though.

"What the hell? You can't let me be nice and give you a ride anymore. Did Leo tell you not to?"

Sarah stopped when he grabbed her lower arm. It wasn't hard or painful, but was enough pressure to stop her. "Leo?"

"I saw you with him on Friday."

"When he sat next to me at the assembly? I am so confused right now."

Ryan sighed. "Do you like Leo now?"

"Well, he has gotten a lot better. I can barely believe he is the same guy who was such a jerk earlier this year. "

"Not like that. I mean..." Ryan paused. "Never mind, just get in my truck. I probably already made you miss the bus."

Sarah looked at the clock on her phone. "Shit. You totally did. Why would you do that?"

Without waiting for a response, Sarah went to his truck and hopped in. She tossed her school bag and work clothes into the back seat and buckled herself. What a great way to start her week. What was next?

"Did you seriously think I was ignoring you?"

Sarah looked over as he pulled out of the driveway. "Well, yes. I assumed you really didn't want to be around me after the chaos and anxiety I caused your friend group. I mean, I come from nowhere and you are all being so nice, then I 'm wandering some road while you guys try to figure out what happened to the crazy chick."

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