Chapter 36

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Spring Break

Sarah looked around the random living room. Her dad was drinking a beer on the couch while her mom read a romance novel closer to the window. Kathy had been texting on her phone most of the morning. Sarah could see the beach through the window. They weren't right on the beach, but close enough to see the view through some of the other buildings on the street. Her dad had decided they needed a break from life and rented two rooms at a small B&B in Holland, Michigan. They had arrived two days ago and had over a week here. It wasn't warm, but it was something different. Sarah wanted to go explore the area, but so far they were just staying at the B&B and her parents had no plans for anything else. They were 'relaxing'...

Interestingly, their parents were being less strict in monitoring Kathy and her movements, so they had been wandering down to the beach or towards town to just get out. Kathy was struggling with her relationship, going for long walks on the beach solo, or on the phone with her boyfriend. Sarah wanted to just sidetrack Kathy and give her a heart-to-heart about the jerk, but so far had not been able to get up the courage to actually say anything to her. Their family doesn't really talk, they don't really communicate at all, which is something Sarah never noticed before.

As Sarah was thinking about this, Kathy got up from where she had been texting and stomped towards the door. "I'm going for a walk." She stated and Sarah had the immediate thought, why not try now? What could it really hurt?

Jumping up, Sarah added "I'm coming along." Kathy gave her a look, but didn't say anything to stop her.

Once they had grabbed jackets and moved outside, Sarah pounced, "Want to talk about it?"

"No. I don't need to talk to you about anything. What do you know?"

Sarah couldn't help it, the dam broke, "I know that you deserve better. I know that your supposed boyfriend runs you down and makes you feel like you don't deserve anything and he is the best you can do. I know that at the start of the school year you were blossoming into yourself, you seemed alive and free for the first time. You weren't being controlled by mom and dad and were living your own life. I know that it has stopped, I know that you are climbing back into a shell of yourself, that you aren't really eating, that you are drinking a lot like dad, and that you need to get out of this relationship now."

Kathy had stopped walking during her tirade and was staring at her with a look mixed between shock, pissed off, and utter sadness.

Silence fell between them as Sarah started worrying that she had made things worse. Kathy was now only barely talking with her. She had softened a bit after Sarah shared the latest physical abuse from her dad and how the household was having issues, that there was some kind of health issue and worry between their parents that was leading to dad lashing out more. As Sarah continued to worry and overthink what she had just said, Kathy finally spoke in a soft, scared voice, "But, what if this is my only chance? What if this is it?"

Sarah's mind stopped. Man were they screwed up mentally. What could she say? "Kathy, this can't be it. This is your first relationship. Your first actual boyfriend. It can't be it. This can't be the best option for you, let alone the only one. He is a jerk. He really does not deserve you."

"I just don't know."

"Kathy. You are a wonderful person that will find someone that appreciates you, someone that will foster who you are, not stifle you."

"Kind of like your boyfriend?" Kathy interjected.

"Huh?" Was all Sarah could say. She hadn't really had the chance to talk to Kathy about Ryan in the past month or more, they hadn't been talking at all...let alone sharing their inner thoughts. 

"You have one, don't you? Is it the same guy as over Christmas Break?"

"Yes. Ryan is awesome, but I also know he isn't the only option." This was actually a shock to Sarah herself, since she had been dreading thinking deeply about their relationship. "I have to keep reminding myself of that. He is a year older and will be heading off to college without me. But, even though I know we are not forever, Ryan has helped me to find myself, has pushed me to try more and open up. I didn't even realize I was sitting in my room sulking my life away because of mom and dad."

"Yeah. That sounds awesome, but I don't think I will ever find that." Kathy started to grumble sadly, but Sarah had to interject..."You are only 19, you cannot settle for the first thing that shows interest. It isn't love."

"Are you in love?" Kathy asked.

Sarah stopped walking as she was confronted with the idea.

"I don't know what love is." Sarah had to admit after a while.

Kathy laughed. "Me neither, but I am guessing I don't have it now. I think I just wanted it to be something more than it is and invested too much." She looked down at her phone, then back up at Sarah, "I think there is a text I need to send and maybe a call to make."

"I am here for you." Sarah stated as Kathy walked away. Sarah thought about hugging her, but that wasn't their family's way. As she watched Kathy move off, Sarah felt her own phone vibrate in her jacket pocket. Turning to walk the other way, Sarah looked down at the screen to see it was a text from Ryan.


She texted back that she was walking down the beach. Ryan knew they were in Holland for the week. His family wasn't going anywhere because his dad needed to work and his mom was taking time off later in the year. Ryan had told her some places to check out while she was in Holland, since his extended family actually had a beach house nearby that they visited every few years.


Nope, she hadn't made it there yet. She texted that her family had been veging at the air B&B, so she hadn't done much yet. She had the route from their B&B to the beach memorized though and had a few awesome sitting spots she already located on or near the beach.



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