Chapter 29

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Sarah was attempting to skirt around the crowd to get to their physics station in the library when she finally ran into Ryan. She knew immediately that she was 'in trouble' and couldn't just ignore his look.

Sarah had kept her head down all morning, mentioning she was tired and her mind wasn't there when Abby and Chris tried to talk with her earlier. Just mentioning her mom was in the hospital was enough to keep them from prying or looking too hard at her. Sarah had tried to use some powder to cover the bruise on her face, but she wasn't a make-up artist by any means. It was a pretty good job, she thought, if you didn't look too closely. Unfortunately, it seemed like Ryan was looking closely...even from a distance.

Ryan sat down next to her at the monitor sharing her table. Sarah had made sure the side of her face that was bruised was towards the wall and she only slightly turned her head to say "hi." She hoped Ryan would get the point and just let her be. Their activity today was pretty basic, listening to some short videos on electromagnetism and completing associated activities. Anna and Paul were across from them, while Dylan was at the solo side computer. They all had their headphones on already, so Sarah followed suite. She sensed that Ryan was still staring at her though, as he started getting set up as well.

As the class time dragged on, Sarah could feel Ryan looking at her regularly. It was more than usual and much more intense. Sarah was hoping she had made it through without having to talk with Ryan, since she was trying to ignore him in general, as much as possible so she would not need to think about some of the things he had told, she had a feeling he would notice her face more than others...

All five of them finished before the bell for lunch. While Anna and Paul quickly packed up and headed out early together, Sarah felt herself being held back by Ryan and Dylan, like they had planned it. Had they been texting with each other during the class time?

"Sarah. What's going on? You are even more closed off than usual. I have been trying to get over the fact that you are absolutely horrible at communicating, that you just ignored what I told you bout break, but this is more."

Sarah glanced over, still keeping from totally looking at him. Dylan had moved away from them, but was standing nearby on his phone, almost guarding their privacy from others. Totally planned.

"Nothing. I'm fine. It's just stuff at home."

"Like what? You look about ready to cry throughout the whole class time. You won't even look at me." With that, Ryan gently grabbed her chin and turned her head towards him without Sarah realizing what was going to happen.

Ryan gasped and swore under his breath.

"Who did this? Your dad?" Ryan was louder than he had been previously and Sarah also noticed that Dylan was next to him, staring over his shoulder at her. 

Sarah was saved by the bell as tears welled in her eyes. "Um. it's lunch." She said rather unconvincingly trying to change the subject.

"Sarah. Let us in. Obviously you are not fine. Don't bottle this up too. Please talk with someone. If not me, then Dylan or Leo, or Abby, or anyone. What is going on?" Ryan ended with a pleading tone.

They started walking towards lunch in silence. Sarah did not want to go or do anything, but was caught between Ryan and Dylan who were giving each other looks that she did not feel like thinking about.

Sarah was staying silent, even when they got to the cafeteria. She noticed that Ryan was texting someone and realized it was Leo when he came over and sort of directed her back out of the room. She found herself sitting on some bleachers in the gym, remembering that there weren't any gym classes running because of the sex ed requirements. Great...she had that to look forward to this afternoon.

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