Chapter 21

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"Remember that this is supposed to be fun." Sarah jumped a bit at Ryan's words. They were making their way into the dance and she had tensed up at the number of stares. Ryan's hand, which had moved to her back, was now at her side to pull her closer as he leaned down to whisper. "Forget about everyone else. Just have fun. Leo is ready to punch anyone that makes you feel uncomfortable, so don't give him a reason to fight..."

Sarah laughed and felt the tension leave her. Leo had texted her the same thing earlier today while she had been trying on dresses with Abby. They had gone to the local thrift store with a few other basketball players. Sarah had not realized this was another "tradition," but didn't mind the help in finding something to wear. 

From Ryan, she had learned that Leo's date was becoming way too clingy and pushy for his liking, so he was hoping for a reason to get kicked out of the dance early. Sarah thought there were better ways to get the same result, beyond picking a fight, but Ryan thought Leo was also just getting bored with his newfound positive attitude and missed the conflict.

At the thrift store, Sarah had found a deep purple dress that looked a bit retro. It had an empire waist, scalloped top, puffy sleeves, and went to just above her knees. One of the other players said it was "too cute" and not "sexy" enough, but Abby had encouraged Sarah to go with what was comfortable. From looking around the room, Sarah could see why her choice was "too cute." Most of the girls were showing a lot more skin. They also had on a lot more makeup and had invested a lot more time into their looks. Sarah started to get a bit nervous that she hadn't done enough, that she should have tried harder to look good for Ryan. Ugh...what was she thinking? What was he thinking in bringing her?

"Hey...come back!" Sarah looked over at Ryan with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry. I just...I didn't realize what was expected of me. Everyone is so done up and I look like I am going to church or something. So out of place. Why did you think I could come to this?"

Ryan opened his mouth to respond, but they were intercepted by a group of people. Sarah hadn't noticed that Ryan was steering them towards his friends. She saw that the group also included some of her friends, like Chris and Abby. 

"Abby just told me you made the team. Why didn't you text the news?" Chris blurted as soon as he saw her. " clean up nice. Looking good."

Sarah wasn't sure what to make of his comments, as Abby added in, "I knew that dress was you. Nathalie was totally off the mark trying to get you to buy that slutty dress." Sarah's mouth dropped open at the last remark.

"Um. Thanks..."

"She's totally speechless from you two's combined word vomit. You are perfect for each other with the lack of verbal filter." Sarah looked over to see Leo quickly moving away from his date. "You do look nice all dressed up...anyone say something shitty yet? Remember to let me know." Leo pretended to crack his knuckles in anticipation.

Ryan leaned in to whisper in her ear, "Stop worrying so much. Dress how you feel, dress you, not what others do." Sarah had to laugh at his rhyming comment. "If people don't like it, then they aren't really worth the worry."

"Easy for you to say! There's so many more unspoken rules and expectations for girls. I am totally out of my comfort zone here." Sarah finally spoke up.

"If you want to go, we can. I only ask for one dance first."

Sarah glanced up quickly. She didn't really want to leave. She was letting her worry and anxiety get in the way of trying something new. This tended to happen, but she didn't want it to this time. She wanted to dance, she wanted to have fun with her new friends, .... and ... she kind of wanted another kiss from the Greek God leaning in towards her.

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