Chapter 38

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Day 161

Sarah was not listening to her teacher droning on about the next test. Her mind was really not in it today, plus the test didn't seem to difficult really. If you had kept up over the last weeks, there was nothing that hard about Pre-Calc. She hated reviews, they seemed so pointless. As she glanced around the room, at least half of her fellow students were on their phones. They were getting so close to the end of the year it was ridiculous. A month maybe...and how could she forget that the glorious prom was in there as well.

That got her mind wandering back to this morning when Ryan had picked her up for school.  He had been nominated for prom king and thought Sarah would make a great junior thank you sir. He didn't understand why she didn't want to be the center of attention, let alone pit against other girls in the school for a competition of looks/popularity.

Being super cheesy, Ryan had ended the conversation with a look that made her tingle, saying "but, you are the center of my world." Laying a quick kiss on her, he grabbed her hand to pull her towards the school.

Their relationship had hit another milestone over spring break. Sarah had lost her virginity to the boy, well really...she had tossed it at him to take. For all its importance, she was glad to no longer have it 'hanging' over her head. She wasn't super religious, but had been raised Catholic for a long stretch there, so the whole purity and religious morals still hung over her. Her mom loved the old school Catholic guilt trip, even if they rarely made it to church anymore. Sarah smiled to herself in class as her mind continued to wander. She was glad she had made the choice herself, with someone who cared about her, who she cared about, and who didn't push or make it a big deal to their relationship. Most teenage girls probably couldn't say that. Plus, it wasn't a quick fumble in the back of a car!

Sure, the first time had been awkward. Ryan totally knew what he was doing and she felt like a bumbling idiot whenever she thought about what was happening. They had been at his cousin's place, playing a random board game when things randomly went to a make out session. It was started with some dirty joke Ryan thought of and a challenge from her. As their heavy petting went deeper than usual, Ryan pulled away to stop. Sarah decided at that moment, really in that single moment she was ready. Pulling him back to her, she had stated her intentions. Ryan looked at her all nervous, which was weird for him and asked if she was sure. Sarah had made a resounding yes, adding in that she was the one that should be nervous not him, since it was her first time. Ryan laughed, but added in that he was nervous because it was her. He had run out to find a condom in his cousin's room and then proceeded to first get her to orgasm with his hands before actually penetrating her. She couldn't lie to herself that it wasn't uncomfortable that first time and at first she had no desire to do it again, questioned why people would. Ryan's hands seemed to do the job just fine. Ryan was pissed at himself because he could tell it pained her some and he had "come way too quick," but they snuggled afterward and were really pretty awkward.

After he had taken her back to the air B&B, she was nervous everyone would realize what had just happened. Even after taking a shower she felt like it would show somehow, but the house had been tense for other reasons. It seemed that Kathy and her dad had gotten into a fight over her intended major. He didn't think she should go into teaching, but instead be an accountant. Sarah didn't understand the issue, tried to talk to Kathy about it, but after her cold shoulder just went to bed. Once again, her life seemed to be spiraling in a million directions, none of them that great. That night and the next day were spent replaying the events of the previous evening over and over in her head. Ryan was busy taking calls from potential team coaches, video chatting with his parents about choices, and doing other "college prep crap" as he called it. Sarah thought it might be an excuse to not talk with her, to ignore her.

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