Chapter 23

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Day 85

It had been 2 weeks since the Autumn dance and Sarah had started "dating" Ryan. She still wasn't sure if this was reality or not. This was partially tied to the fact that not much had changed. She was busy with work, school, and practice, while Ryan had gone to states for football and was now catching up on practice for basketball, along with schoolwork and now applying for colleges and whatever that included. They hadn't won state, but Ryan wasn't worried. Football wasn't really his sport and he was more happy to be playing basketball again. Ryan was hoping to get a scholarship to a D1 school in-state, but would also go D2 or out of state if needed. Sarah wasn't even sure what he was talking about half the time when he discussed sports and schools.

Her parents had made sure that she had minimal time outside work and practice to do anything. They claimed they were "worried" about her grades, but Sarah thought it had more to do with their noticing she had friends and had gone to a dance with a real boy. She had been grilled about the dance by her dad that weekend, being asked about various details and what they did. Luckily Sarah could talk about the group of friends they hung out with, but then her dad asked about what she had 'told' them and Sarah realized he knew their family life was not normal or positive. This almost made things worse. Her parents weren't oblivious to their issues, they knew on some level that the house dynamics needed to stay hidden. Sarah would have been more depressed about this, except she had a lot to keep her mind from spiraling into the consequences more.

Ryan picked her up every morning, often coming inside now to hang out if he was early. He also tended to take her back and forth to work or practice, since it was snowing. Sarah was worried she was taking advantage of him, but Ryan didn't seem to mind. Some days they would chat during the drive, while others were more quiet. Sarah noticed that Ryan could pick up on her moods more than she had been aware of.

The routine was nice for her. It made Sarah worry less about dating someone. It was like they were just the same friends, but also had some extra benefits. There was more touching, which she was still getting used to. Sarah had not realized how little she was actually touched by her family. There were no hugs, there was no closeness, no random pats or touches, so it felt awkward and uncomfortable at times when Ryan would hold her hand or give her a quick hug. Sarah was getting more used to the random touches, feeling more of the kindness and affection that Ryan was showing her and less of the shock and discomfort of having someone in her space.

If she could keep her mind from racing and causing her to worry, the kissing was nice too. Ryan would catch her randomly during the day for a quick peck, or sometimes a little bit more if they were more hidden than the busy hallways. During their drives some days they would also have mini-make out sessions. They didn't seem like little things to Sarah, but having heard the gossip and stories from other couples' activities Sarah knew that it was pretty G-rated. Sarah was not ready for more, even if Ryan might be. She was still getting used to any kind of affection. Plus, with her parent's more strict rules that had been put into place, there hadn't been a single real date so far or any time they could hang out that wasn't either at school or between obligations.

Looking up from her thoughts, Sarah noticed that she had missed the bell ringing for the end of class and start of lunch period. Packing her stuff up, she went to switch out at her locker. Ryan had tried to walk her between the various periods, but Sarah had told him it was a bit much. He was actually glad she had said that, commenting that he thought it was tacky and domineering but Leo had told him it was required of actual couples. Sarah thought Leo and Dylan were just playing around with him and hoped they didn't actually think she wanted so much attention.

Moving from her locker towards the cafeteria, Sarah saw all three guys standing off to the side of the doors. Leo and Ryan seemed to be fighting over something while Dylan looked on with glee. There were also a few cheerleaders nearby, preening by the looks of it. They had gotten the attention of a few of the other guys waiting to go into the cafeteria and were enjoying the attention. Although Lindsay had still been obnoxious towards her, many of the other girls that Sarah had stereotyped into being just like her were actually pretty nice. Sarah may not like attention, but she couldn't fault others if they long as it wasn't at the expense of someone else.

As Sarah closed the gap, Dylan was the first to notice her approach. He grabbed her arm and pulled her over, saying "you can help solve this debate." With that, she found out that Leo and Ryan were arguing over lunch food and whether it was worth standing in line for anything. Leo argued that it was better than packing a lunch, while Ryan was claiming that the only reason people don't pack food is because it isn't 'cool'. Sarah thought it was a pretty stupid debate and said as much, continuing to walk past them all with her packed lunch. She made sure to point out the privilege of being able to afford lunch every day even. 

When Sarah got to the lunch table with Abby and Chris, among others, she plopped down and sighed. The discussion at this location was revolving around the Winter semi-formal that would happen in a week after they were done with second quarter finals. Sarah commented that they had just gone to the Autumn dance, so why have another? Everyone turned to her and stared as if she were crazy. Abby and Chris hadn't really worked out, they saw themselves more as friends than anything else, but agreed to go to the Winter dance if neither found a date. Sarah wondered if she would have to go again...

This got her doom spiraling in her head about the upcoming winter break and her family's yearly trip down to Florida. It was a tradition for a lot of Michiganders to head south during the break, get some warmth and sun. This would have been great, if Sarah didn't have to worry about if she would lose her job, if Ryan and her would keep dating over the break, and how to make it through two weeks of traveling with her family. This didn't even bring in making it through finals.

"Hey, what gave you such a disgruntled face?"

Sarah looked up to see Ryan standing over her, sliding into a seat nearby. Well...nothing she could do about those worries right now, might as well stay in the present. It was something her sister had been telling her about.

"Finals..." With that the topic turned at the lunch table and Sarah started to zone out a bit.

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