Chapter 32

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Valentine's Dance

Sarah looked around the gym as they entered - it was really quite pink. Abby elbowed her in the rib, "what's that disgusted look for?"

"Do you think they could have gone a little less over-the-top with the pink?"

"It's Valentine's Day, gotta channel cupid." Anna added from nearby while Bev and Rose laughed from behind them. Sarah had been hanging out with the basketball crew a bit more lately. They were practicing and going to games multiple days during the week, while Sarah picked up work hours on the weekends. All the traveling and time commitments from work, school, and practice, helped Sarah keep from dwelling on what had happened during the past weeks as well. She was still trying to figure out what her and Ryan were now, or where she sat with her parents and her sister. ..

"I agree that it is a bit overpowering, to say the least." Bev added in, pulling Sarah from her thoughts. 

Sarah wasn't against pink in general and she could see some white and red added in as accents, but she would bet a million bucks that whoever was in charge of the decorations had pink as their favorite color. There was pink garland, pink twinkle lights, pink balloons, and pink table cloths. There were also a lot of hearts.

"I know it's Valentine's Day, but this is crazy!" Sarah couldn't help but say. 

At that moment Nathalie and Kimberly came up to them. "Don't you just love all the pink. I love pink." Nat said at the same time Kimberly greeted them with "Welcome to the spring dance. We thank you for supporting the team. Go Warriors!" and Sarah finally remembered they were part of the planning committee and the dance was part of the celebration for boys state. The basketball team hadn't won, but did come in second which was impressive. 

The group of girls Sarah was part of mumbled some thanks, then began to split apart. Some stayed to talk with Nat or Kimberly, others split off to join other friends, while Sarah and Abby and a few others moved further into the room. They were pretty early it looked like, since not many students had gathered yet. Most people appeared to be on the younger side and grouped along the walls. Sarah had a sudden urge to join them and be a wall flower again. The last dance she had attended brought on the beginning of the end for her short dating adventure with Ryan.

Suddenly, Sarah heard someone whisper in her ear "Don't even think of hiding over with the wallflowers again." Startled she turned around to see Leo laughing at her. "Ryan asked me to watch out for you, since he is arriving later with the rest of the team."

Sarah snorted. Ryan had been dropping hints all week about the dance. Subtly asking her if she was going, trying to wheedle out if she had a date, and even blatantly asking if she could save him a dance. Sarah kept trying to remind herself that they were just friends and she shouldn't want to try dating again, but it was getting harder. She had noticed he was touching her more again, showing affection that Sarah didn't think she deserved as just a friend. The hug and kiss on Monday was only the start of a subtle assault on her senses, on her body and its longing that was stirring for him. The jerk had to know what he was doing, didn't he?

All she could say to Leo though, was a quick "I don't need anyone watching out for me."

Leo grinned, but changed the subject to ask about her home life and her dad. Even though the school gym in the midst of a party did not seem like the right venue for a deep conversation, they moved off to one of the tables and Sarah gave a quick rundown of how her and her parents were pretty much avoiding each other and her sister was giving her the silent treatment - normal family life, right?

As the music picked up, Sarah was pulled onto the dance floor when Abby found her. Sarah lost track of time and began to simply enjoy herself. This was a new concept for her, just letting things go for a bit. She had started to do this last fall, but there was always the anxiety lurking, the worry. Sarah didn't think it would ever leave her, but after the last fight with her dad, she had decided not to dwell on at least her parents and those issues. Now, it was just her sister she worried about, instead of worrying what her parents would do or think all the time when she was not at home. Sarah had mentioned to her mom that her dad had hit her while she was in the hospital. After the initial surprise, her mom had waved it off as his worry lashing out...but Sarah also noticed that her mom wasn't questioning what she did anymore and wondered if it was her way to keep Sarah happy. She wasn't going to complain, but she did try and deconstruct a lot of their interactions, trying to figure out what her parents were even thinking now. There had been no questions when she mentioned this dance earlier in the week, no drilling in to who she was going with, etc. She hadn't even gotten a new curfew established.

"I need a break. You wanna go find some drinks?" Sarah turned to Abby with a nod. She was feeling pretty thirsty now that she thought about it too.

As they were walking off the dance floor, a commotion began. With a flourish, the cheerleaders broke into a chant and started moving towards the gym entrance. They chanted about states and how well the men's teams were doing in general this year.

"The guys must have arrived finally." Anna noted from next to Sarah.

"What have they got planned?" Abby added in.

"Do they normally have this at the dance?" Sarah wondered. "Is there some kind of performance or something?" She added as the cheerleaders and a few others started to do a flash mob style routine to 'Crazy in Love'.

"Always!" Abby shouted over the cheers. "Any opportunity to do a group dance and they are on it."

"It's pretty good." Sarah commented as they continued. She did like their group dance more than the usual cheers. Sarah couldn't stop the laugh though as the boy's basketball team entered and attempted to join into the dance. She could tell that some had practiced a bit while others weren't even trying. Ryan was in a group with 3 others, attempting to follow the dance and failing miserably...but they still exuded more confidence than Sarah had ever felt in her life.

Sarah smiled despite herself and at that moment Ryan's eyes caught hers. The overall excitement in the room was hard to ignore. The whole room was having fun with the group dance now, starting to hop in. Sarah had never seen anything of the like. The different dancers - cheerleaders, dance organizers, and basketball players - alike were now moving into the gym and getting others to join in the group dance as the music started over again. Ryan moved towards her and Sarah found herself, along with the rest of her group, learning some of the steps. She laughed at the group as they stumbled at first.

"It's good to hear a real laugh from you." Ryan leaned down and whispered.

Sarah smiled up at him, enjoying the moment and forgetting everything else. Why did she keep fighting the pull there was towards Ryan? If he wanted her, why was she still resisting?

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