Change of Plans

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Chapter Three | Change of Plans

"There's been a change of plan," Honey informed the guys in the locker.

"What is it?" Joshua asked Honey.

"I'm not coming out to the ring with you guys," Honey answered.

"Why not?" Joe asked, walking towards Honey, he was dressed up and ready for the SmackDown tonight, and he expected Honey to be out there in the ring with him.

Everyone was confused.

"I just have different plans for tonight and I think I should stay out of the way," Honey answered Joe.

Jonathan frowned.

"Did they change the storyline and this is your way of telling us?" Jonathan asked Honey.

"Well there was a small change but more so of they're rewriting my part of the storyline so that's why I can't go out with you guys," Honey explained to Jonathan.

Once again everyone was confused. Honey bit her lip, not wanting to scream out that she was pregnant and that's why she couldn't be a part of their segments tonight. Honey wanted everyone to find out about her pregnancy at the same time so no one would have time to spread it and speculate who her baby daddy was until after she was out of the building. She preferred for everyone to talk about her behind her back instead of her face.

Honey knows she would most likely try to fight everyone if she knew what was going to be said about her unplanned pregnancy.

"Why?" Sefa asked.

"Please just wait for my segment to know why," Honey told the guys.

"Is this why your match was so short in Saudi Arabia?" Paul asked.

"Yeah," Honey answered Paul.

"I think we should just go talk to creative and figure out what's going on because she isn't telling us a damn thing," Joe said.

Honey sighed. The guys weren't making it easy to keep her pregnancy a secret from them. They were asking too many questions. Honey felt a little dizzy so she moved and sat on the leather black couch in the dressing room, her head in her hands.

"Honey, tell us what's wrong. Why did creative change your involvement with us?" Joe asked, sitting down on the couch with her, draping his arm behind and across her shoulder.

Honey raised her head from her hands and looked at him. Then Honey stood up and went towards the door, opening it before facing the guys. She stood in the doorway, ready to make a quick exit.

"I can't wrestle," Honey told them.

"Why are you injured?" Paul asked her.

Honey shook her head no. Honey breathed a huge, heavy sigh before she could say anything. The guys stared at her, waiting for her to answer. Was she injured or not?

"No, not injured, I'm just pregnant," Honey answered as she quickly closed the door and runs down the hallway.

Later on before her segment, Honey runs into Hunter and some members of the creative team. Hunter has a small smile on his face.

"Just the person we were looking for," Hunter said as he placed an arm on Honey's shoulder.

"Hello, everyone, what's up?" Honey asked.

"Honey, there has been a change of plan. Instead of announcing your pregnancy tonight, you will have a rematch with Nattie and then next week you'll announce your pregnancy. Also, we have a new role for you during your maternity leave," Hunter told Honey.

Honey gasped.

"What?" Honey asked in disbelief.

Were they seriously wanting her to wrestle while pregnant?

"We talked to several doctors and they said you could wrestle at least two more times before it's a definite no more in-ring action for you," Hunter answered.

Honey nods.

"So, am I wrestling tonight to drop the championship off to whoever?" Honey asked.

"No, you're winning tonight but next week we have a plan for you to drop off the championship to Rhea in Des Moines," Hunter answered.

"Wow," Honey said.

Hunter explained how there were several ways the creatives thought about playing out the title change but Honey continuing to wrestle while pregnant to drop off the championship was the best option.

"Okay, so what's my new role?" Honey asked.

"The pregnant Tribal chieftess," Hunter revealed.


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