The Bloodline

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Chapter Four | The Bloodline

Joe cleared his throat.

Honey looked up from her Ipad and gave him a small smile.

"Are you pregnant?" Joe asked.

"Yup, six weeks," Honey answered.

"Are you keeping it?" Joe asked her.

Honey felt like she was going to throw up, but not because of the baby.

"Well, I'm giving up my title so it's safe to say I'm keeping it, Joe," Honey replied to him as she closed her Ipad and placed it on her lap.

"Wow," He said, now sitting next to Honey on the ground, trying to gather his thoughts.

Fuck. Keep it together, Honey. Honey closed her eyes as she felt herself start to get emotional. Damn it. Honey opened her eyes and looked at Joe.

"Are you okay with the storyline? You know the whole pregnant Tribal chieftess thing," She said.

"I'm the one who suggested it after you ran out of the dressing room after telling us you're pregnant," He told her.

"Why?" She asked, surprised.

"Because I need you around, but I also wanted to make sure your job was secured for when you come back from maternity leave," He answered.

Honey teared up.

"That's...Wow, thank you," She said.

"You're welcome but I heard you have to wrestle again to drop off the championship, are you sure you want to do that?" He asked her.

"Of course, it's my job, plus in a way, I'm making history here and it's a cool experience to tell my kid," She explained.

"You could get injured or lose the baby, Honey," He told her.

"I know but I've already wrestled twice while pregnant I'm sure one more match isn't going to cause any damage," She said.

Sefa and Jon walk up to Joe and Honey with smirks on their faces.

"Girl, how are you just gonna drop a bomb like that and run off?" Jon asked Honey.

"She probably didn't want to see Joe's reaction to the news," Sefa answered Jon.

"And why would my reaction be so important to her?" Joe asked them.

Jon and Sefa looked at Joe before looking at Honey.

"Uce, that baby is yours, ain't it?" Jon replied.

Joe's eyes grew wide in shock.

"What? No, I never slept with Honey," Joe said.

Honey put her head down and started crying even harder.

"No fucking way! Honey, who is the baby's father?" Sefa asked Honey.

Joe was now standing up, hovering over Honey.

"Who is the father, Honey?" Joe asked her.

Joshua walked over with Paul.

"Hey, guys," Joshua said.

"Shit, do you know not who the father is?" Jon asked Honey.

Joshua was confused.

"What's going on?" Joshua asked everyone.

"Honey won't tell us who the baby's father is," Sefa answered.

"I thought Joe was the father," Paul said.

"I never slept with Honey!" Joe exclaimed.

"What the fuck? We all thought the baby was yours," Joshua said.

Joe's face contorted in confusion; not understanding why the guys thought he was the father. He never slept with Honey.

"Yes, you did! We saw y'all in bed together!" Jon exclaimed, confused about why Joe was denying he slept with Honey.

"Honey, tell them we never slept together and that's not my baby!" Joe yelled.

"There's something I need to tell you," She said as she bit her lip nervous about his reaction as his eyes widened waiting.

"W-we slept together but seeing how you don't remember...w-we must have been overly drunk then because this is your baby, Joe," She stuttered.

"What the fuck!" He shouted his hands instantly flying up.

Sefa moved to stand in front of Honey.

"You know you can't handle your liquor, Joe, that's why you can't remember it but we all saw y'all all over each other that night," Sefa told Joe.

Joe's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea that you didn't remember sleeping with me, you don't have to help with this baby, I can do it on my own," Honey said as she quickly grabbed her stuff and stood up to get away from Joe.

"Uce," Joshua said, hitting Joe on the back of the head.

Honey left the room.

"Go after her," Jon told Joe.

"She's lying right, you all are lying to me," He said.

Why couldn't he remember sleeping with Honey?

"No, we're not, Uce. That's your baby, and if you don't believe us then get a DNA test once the baby is born but trust us, that's your fucking kin," Sefa said, before going after Honey.

Paul shook his head.

"I thought you had feelings for her," Paul said.

Joe sighed.

"I just need to think," Joe said.

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