Chapter 16

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Wade had been scouting around in some place in the United States. He didn't care where he was. His life had turned meaningless anyways.

He was growing old but his body refused to grow with him. Deadpool couldn't live for ever. It shouldn't be possible. But alas, he was doomed for eternity. He could've atleast had a pretty face. But that wasn't possible either. He was sure he had the worst luck on the planet.

Wade was going through an existential crisis.

A long one.

In the middle of which he realised that he'd somehow wandered into Hell's Kitchen and was standing face to face with Daredevil.

Bloody Matt Murdock with his pretty face and beautiful body.

Wade had thought that maybe Matt had sensed him in the area and had decided to pay an old friend a visit.

Matt was growing old, after all.

Unlike Wade.

But something in Matt's face had told him that it wasn't a social call.

Soon, they were seated in Matt's apartment, drinking on his sofa as Matt told Wade all about Sally Jackson.


Matt was nearly the same age as Sally.

The first time they met, Matt was a college student. Sally was a pregnant girl on the streets.

Sally was shivering in the corner of a run down bar. Matt didn't recall why he was there that day, but he gave her his coat and she thanked him.

They ran into each other at a hospital next. They spoke a little and exchanged names. Neither of them had been willing to talk much and they had been ok with it.

He didn't meet her for many years after that.

Then he heard of her on the news. A kidnapping.  Her son was being accused. Percy Jackson. 12 years old.

Matt had donned his suit and done some searching of his own.

Matt hadn't believed anything the media had come up with, but he knew that Sally would need a lawyer to sort out her situation legally. So when she resurfaced, he approached her and offered his assistance.

It had pained him to see her stuck with Ugliano. But it was her choice and there wasn't anything he could do about it.

Daredevil though, could help her. 

In the end, he didn't have to. Ugliano disappeared. Matt had sensed her lie when she told him that she didn't know where Ugliano had disappeared to, but he kept quiet. Sally was a strong woman and a loving mother, she knew what she was doing.

Sally was never seen alone. Her son always accompanied her. Percy Jackson had been a curious kid. He had been wary and suspicious of Matt in the beginning, but had slowly come to accept his presence on occasion.

Many years later, Sally came to Matt again. Percy had gone missing. Then he resurfaced almost a year later, with scars littering his body.

Another couple of years passed. Sally had come to him to sort out some papers from a car accident that Percy and his girlfriend had been in. The girl had died.

Percy, who had been injured in the accident had still been under treatment at a hospital when Matt visited him to get his signature on some documents.

That was the only time that Matt hadn't sensed the charm that Percy Jackson exuded. Even in the gravest of circumstances, Percy Jackson had a way of looking at life with a sense of hope unlike any other. But that day, he had seemed defeated.

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