2. Perth

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I changed the company because my father got some shares of Blushes and became a major stake holder in it.

I don't want my father's name to become my identity. But he always meddles in my business because he has all the ability to do so.

Coming from one of Thailand's richest families and looking like the way I do, I am never going unnoticed.

So here I am at Bombshell Cosmetics as a Senior Executive Sales Manager.

But this is kind of over the top. Why are they all over me on the entrance?

I am holding myself and my smile which is more a grimace.

After a lot of introductions and over enthusiastic welcome, I was taken to my cabin.

I am not sure why am I given a cabin being a senior sales manager while the senior manager of manufacturing department is in a cubicle. Aren't the scales same?

He is already eyeing me angrily.

"Perth, take a day or two or even a week if needed to get used to this place. No rush." My direct manager, Mr. Korn smiled at me.

"Sir, I would like to begin working as soon as possible. I am not used to wasting my time." I said but with a bit of politeness.

"Oh, I see. Quite workaholic you are." He chuckled and patted me on my shoulder. "I will send you a few manuals to get started with then." He said and smiled again.

"Thank you." I replied and finally stopped smiling. I think he finally got the hint because he got up and left the cabin.

After 10 seconds he returned to my cabin.

"Yes Mr. Korn?"

"Ummm Perth... You will have to go and meet the HR once. It's a standard procedure you see. I forgot to tell you looking at your handsome face.

I nodded and smiled again before getting up. "Where to?"

"Two floors below." He said. "Shall I accompany you?"

"No need! I mean... I'll manage." I said and grimaced once again before turning away and walking out of there as fast as possible.

I know it will take a few days for these guys to get used to me. Till then I will have to make-do with the drooling gazes and endure it with a smile.

"Excuse me. I am here to meet the HR." I said smiling to the lady who dropped her cookie on the table as she saw me. She simply gaped at me for a moment before pointing back towards a cubicle. "M-Mr. Beam is there." She stuttered.

I nodded briefly smiling. "Thank you." And walked to the cubicle she pointed to.

As I was about to reach there, I was greeted with a file stack.

I am not even kidding.

All I could see was a huge file stack moving in front of me. Behind that the person whom I heard counting "three steps to the right... and then one to the left..." was completely invisible.

Before I could move out of the way, he walked over my feet and all the files fell on top of me.

"Who the hell is so stupid to stand in between?" The person screamed while I tumbled on the table behind me and was saved by a female who held me from my back grinning at me widely.

"Didn't I say to move away when I started from my desk?" He screamed again.

The lady behind me was still holding me. I turned and smiled to her internally cursing her for ruining my mood with her dreadful perfume. "Excuse me." I said to her carefully pulling away and then turned to see another dreadful scene in front of me.

He adjusted his glasses and looked at me. And then he froze wide eyed.

What kind of creature is he? Puffy oversized clothes, round big glasses, freckles on face, middle partition in oiled up hair and annoyed expressions frozen on him.

His tie was crooked, his watch was old fashioned and his shoes were a mess too. He is wearing the kind of clothes that old people wear when all they seek is comfort but have to go to office in formals.

"What are you looking at?" He said finally bringing me out of my thought process. I have never seen someone looking so odd in the actual world. He was an epitome of weird and ugly that they showcase on television and movies. "Pick up the files." He said.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"Pick. Up. The. Files." He repeated each word clearly.

"Chimon." A middle aged man ran from behind. "What are you doing?" He eyed him and then turned to me with a nervous smile. "You are Perth right? Please come with me to my cube."

I smiled at him and nodded but that other guy whom he just called Chimon was glaring at me and then him.

"Mr. Beam, he is the reason for this disaster."

"Being an HR, you cannot talk like this." Mr. Beam gritted his teeth and said to him. "Please come with me." He immediately turned to me with a smile and started to walk to his cubicle.

I turned to look at Chimon who was frowning at me. I smirked and eyed him from top to bottom before walking over his files to Mr. Beam's cabin.

How am I the reason if he cannot balance his own work.

And anyway with the personality like that, I don't blame others to be unhappy with him.

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