4. Perth

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"What are you thinking?" Ohm said clicking his beer can with mine which I was absent mindedly holding.

"I am unable to come to a conclusion if he is dumb or selfless." I muttered.

"What?" Ohm asked puzzled.

I shook my head getting out of my thought train and turned to look at my cousin. People pay money to see him. I can't believe how stupid they can be. Especially girls.

I wonder how they will feel once they get to know about his 'boyfriend'.

"Nothing. How are you here today? Your boyfriend dumped you?" I asked.

"Never!" He punched my shoulder. "It's just that he is with his best friend."

"His roommate right?" I asked.

"Yeah. I don't know what kind of bond they have but Nanon adores him. He looks after him like he is not a roommate but his kid."

I chuckled. "And what the need for that?"

"You should see him. He is so weird looking that he has no friends to hang out with. I think Nanon pities him more." He took a sip of his beer annoyed.

I smirked. "I know someone like that too." I said taking a sip.


"Yeah... A dumb guy who has nothing but brains." I muttered.

"Dumb with brains?" Ohm asked confused.

"He is intelligent when it comes to his work matters. But he allows people to treat him like doormat. I mean if someone will disrespect me on my face, I will punch him." I said.

"Maybe that's not his style?"

"But I don't like the way he looks too. He annoys me." I mumbled.

"Dude, your obsession with hating ugly people is getting out of hand." Ohm said.

And that's true. I cannot stand people who don't present themselves well. I hate it. Why can't everyone work on themselves and try and look better?

I understand that features are what you get naturally. But why not at least try and dress up well?

"He is not important enough to hate." I said taking sipping my beer again.

Ohm chuckled. "Sure sure."

I rolled my eyes when Ohm's phone rang.

"It's Non." He immediately walked away with his phone in hand. He is so obsessed with his boyfriend that it gives me chills. How can someone be so in love?

I on the other hand don't believe in love. People only get attracted to an outer personality.

And once they get to know each other, they fall apart. I have never seen one stable relationship around me in my life. Ohm has started dating recently and I cannot say that they will grow strong always. Not so soon.

And that's why personality is important. Why will someone think about a person who doesn't pleasure your eyes?

Wait a minute... Why am I thinking so much about him?

"Nanon is inviting you over to dinner tomorrow." Ohm sat beside me again.

I rolled my eyes. "Why will I be the third wheel?"

"His roommate is going to join too. Please. I want someone's company too. Otherwise the way they both cling to each other, sometimes I feel like a third wheel with them." Ohm pleaded.

I shook my head. "Nope." I said and walked back into the house ignoring Ohm's constant rambling and pleading behind.


Next day morning when I reached office, I saw a crowd gathered near the elevator.

"How can they not compensate? My son could have lost his life." An old man was screaming on top of his voice."

I ran towards the crown to see a few familiar faces. And one guy who was bandaged up was Por. He is one of the assistant directors. I am way junior than him in designation but I am friends with him because we go to same sports club.

"What happened?" I asked walking closed to him.

"Yesterday this elevator broke." Por said. I turned to look at the 'Caution: Elevator Malfunctioning.' board placed in front of the elevator door.

"But this board was here yesterday. Why did you take this lift?" I asked.

"Because that stupid security guard slept on duty and someone accidently moved this board which he did not pay attention to.

"Mr. Aniret did nothing like that." Someone said from behind. I turned to look at the same ugly face that I did not wish to see in the morning. "Your son was drunk. And because doesn't want to be punished for being drunk driving to work, he even got all the cctv clippings deleted." He added pointing towards Por.

Por's father almost charged towards Chimon, but before that I pulled him aside. "You come with me for a second." I said.

"What?" He pulled away his hand agitated.

"Por is an executive. Are you dumb?" I asked. Why do I even care?

"I am not. I know he is an executive. His life doesn't only depend on this job. But Mr. Aniret has nothing else." He snapped at me with wide eyes from behind his think glasses.

I exhaled. "Who cares? Mind your business."

"Applies to you too. Mind your business ok? Go look like a Greek god and make people scream for you. I have values, morals... people with only money and looks won't understand."

He yanked away my arm and left me standing there on the side fuming.

No one has ever been this rude to me. No one has ever dared to be rude to me.

And with the way he is, how dare he?

Mr. Ugly, I Like You!!!Where stories live. Discover now