25. Chimon

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As I woke up the other day only to find myself naked. The events of the other night flashed in front of my eyes and I felt flustered immediately.

The warm embrace of my boyfriend, the tender kisses, the bodily heat, the sensuous moans, the adoring eyes that captured me, the scent of the person I love on me... It was all new and giddy.

But when I moved the pain was also incredible.

Passion makes you blind. But the aftermath hits you later on. However, I am not complaining.

It's a bittersweet feeling. I smiled to myself and hid my face in my palms lying down naked underneath that blanket on the bed where we were all hot and bothered last night.

I heard a familiar chuckle and I immediately sat up shocked. I had to lean on the side table to pick up my glasses to see properly and then I saw Perth was standing near the window, wearing his boxers and looking at me with a wide grin. "You are so adorable." He said and walked closer.

Shit! He saw me behaving awkwardly first thing in the morning?

I hid my face in my palms again and leaned back on the head board.

I felt the mattress move a bit and then he kissed me on the back on my hands Making me bring my hands down and looking at him with flushed face.

"Good morning!" He wished with a smile and leaned in to kiss my nose.

"Good morning." I replied, shy.

He searched my face with a slight frown.

"What is it?" I asked confused.

"Do you know that you are not at all ugly? In fact, you are the exact opposite of ugly."

I again hid myself this time with the blanket on my head.

He chuckled and lay down next to me hugging me from the side. "Are you still shy after last night?"

"Stop it!" I snapped pushing the blanket down from my face. "Stop teasing me in the morning."

Perth leaned closer and kissed me on my lips softly. He is so fast; I don't even know when he can attack me with kisses.

"I love you." He said making me feel flushed. But this is something that I know now and I believe too. He loves me. Maybe more than I love him. And this is the kind of trust that he has won himself.

"I love you too." I said and turned to him placing my palm on his cheek. He smiled and nuzzled into my hand.

"But I am serious."

"About what?"

"About you... Not being ugly."

I pressed my lips. "Perth, whose who love me, always think so. Because they don't exactly look at me the way..."


"..." I paused when he interrupted like that.

"Get up and get ready. I'll tell you what I mean." He got up and started pulling me.

"Perth?" I asked scared because under the sheet I am naked.

But Perth leaned down and covered me with the blanket before pulling me up in his arms. "There is nothing to be shy of anymore babe." He winked at me and took me with him into the bathroom.


I gaped at myself when I looked into the mirror.

"Didn't I say? You are beautiful." Perth wrapped me in his arms from behind looking into the mirror.

I can't believe what I am seeing. All he did was made me wear different kind of a tee and jeans, styled my hair differently and with the sleek glasses, I am completely a different person.

Perth kissed my cheek so I turned to him.

"You just needed a makeover."

I know that. I already knew that. But... There was a reason why I did not chose to do so. However, ...

"What are you thinking?" Perth interrupted my thought process.

I smiled and turned to him placing a kiss on his cheek. He looked at me surprised. "Maybe I wanted someone to accept me in my worse."


I held Perth's face in my hands and kissed him. "I wanted to be loved the way I was. It is not like I couldn't change, but I chose not to. Because since childhood I was hearing this word ugly. Initially, I did not know how to dress up and honestly my family was poor and we were in no condition to buy new clothes even. My mom used to make clothes for me from my dad's lesser worn clothes. Eventually I got used to it. And started wearing clothes that didn't fit. I was teased so much that it got to my head."

Perth ruffled my hair.

I smiled and continued. "I decided to stay this way all my life. That was until, you came."

He smiled meeting his temple with mine.

"Now that I have you, I am even ready to change. Because I know that you love me for me and not for my outlook."

Perth hugged me and I hugged him back. We stayed like this for a moment before I pulled back.

"Oh..." I said.

Perth looked at me frowning in confusion.

"I cannot wear contacts though."


"I get giant papillary conjunctivitis whenever I try to wear one."

"I don't know what that is, but anything that you don't want to do, you shouldn't do." He said hugging me again.

I chuckled and hugged him back tight.

"I would love you even if you don't change your dressing sense." He said.

I grinned wider.

"In fact, I'll love you even if you don't wear anything."

I slapped his back making him chuckle and I chuckled along. We both embraced each other for I don't remember how long.

*** A/N: Sorry guys. This is supposed to be a no-smut short story. If you want smut for PerthChimon, please read Bully's Bet! 🙃

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