3. Chimon

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I can't believe it!

This guy has been getting on my nerves since day one. It's been a month. But this guy's thunder is not calming. It's like everyone is busy with either looking at him, or talking about him or even just reading about him.

He is on company blogs, he is in almost all presentations and he is also in limelight for being the most friendly and charming.

Friendly and charming? My foot!

But good thing is I have nothing to do with him. He is always away from my area of work.

And whenever there is anything related to him, like even reimbursing a coffee coupon for him, Mr. Beam jumps on the opportunity.

I can only shake my head at the pathetic thinking of everyone.

It's not like I am pissed that he doesn't even notice me when I walk by. I know it because I notice it every time.

Reason is simple. He has everything I don't have. A good life, a personality, a rapport, communication, riches, and what not.

I wish I had even one thing like him in my life and I would have been happier.

Not that I am unhappy now. I am happy with small-small things like getting a coffee without interruption in the morning, having no need to talk to anyone for whole day in office, to be able to pee in a clean cubicle, to be able to have my office meal on time before the food they serve gets cold.

I am happy by all these things. And that's the reason why it is not easy to upset me unless you are being unreasonable or unjust.

"One Fried pork meal please." I said scanning my card.

"Please move to the side." The server said. "Yes, Mr. Please come forward." He said to someone behind me.

I turned and saw Mr. Limelight behind me. He did not even look at me and he did not move from his place. He kept looking at his phone like he did not hear anyone.

Still, I immediately pulled up my leg in front of him stopping anyone to proceed.

"What are you doing?" The server asked.

I turned to look at Perth "I came first." He looked up at me blankly once and then back to his phone. So I turned to the server. "And I scanned my card too. One fried-pork meal please." I repeated.

The server eyed me before annoyingly dumping the food in my plate and sliding it like he is serving to some prisoner.

But the plate fell and he face palmed. "Shouldn't you have caught it?" He asked.

I smiled. "No, I was busy taking the video of how you serve food to employees here. I will not only make you famous in office with your gesture but you will soon be an internet sensation." I grinned.

"Hey, people are hungry here. If you have so much time, why don't you play later?" Somebody from behind the queue said.

I looked at the long queue. And then at the time. They might won't have time to eat properly if I waste any more time.

"Wire my money back if you don't want the video to go viral. I am leaving. I don't need your meal" I said and pulled myself to the side.

My stomach churned and I kept a hand on my belly. I know that I am very-very hungry. But probably the best idea would be to go to a convenience store and have ramyeon.

When I looked up I saw one pair of eyes looking at me blankly. I ignored him and walked away. He must be laughing on the fact that how loud my stomach churned just now.

Ha! Laugh all you want. Who cares.

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