5. Chimon

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"I really don't want to trouble you." Mr. Aniret said after a whole day of standing outside the company with a banner in hand.

"It's no trouble." I said wiping my forehead for the sweat.

My phone rang and I picked it up only to answer an angry Nanon. [WHERE ARE YOU?]

"I am at the office."

[Are you still going to continue with hunger strike? It's been three days Mon.]

"Stop nagging and go hang out with your boyfriend. I will see you soon."

[I have been delaying the dinner plans with Ohm since three days Mon. I want you to come with me.]

"I will accompany you soon. I don't have much energy to speak now."

[Mon, I am worried for you.]

"Hmm" I disconnected with a heavy heart. I know he cares for me. And things would have been easier if he wasn't staying with me.

A car passed from front of us and stopped after half a kilometer. It came back in reverse with a familiar face popping out of the driving seat.

I looked at the guy who gestured me to walk to him.

Why should I? I ignored him and stood still.

He shook his head and came out of his car walking towards us.

"Are you guys seriously not eating?"

I ignored him while Mr. Aniret nodded guiltily.

"Nothing will come out of this. You guys should stop. Mr. Aniret, why don't you try to find another job instead?"

"If you can't help, leave please."

"Look!" He seemed frustrated. "This way, you will die starving. This was your idea right? At least think about this old man."

I smirked but did not reply. I don't have energy to argue.

"Sir, it's just Mr. Chimon who is on hunger strike, I am having my meals because I have diabetes and blood pressure issues. I can't go a day without medicines."

Perth gaped at me. He glowered at me for a moment while I looked everywhere but at him.

He left storming in his car.

"Mr. Chimon, you should at least have some water."

"That will ruin the purpose." I smiled at Mr. Aniret. I am not doing this only for him.

This is for everyone like Mr. Aniret. This has been going on for ages. The poor always suffers.

"You please get some rest and sleep in the tent. I will sit here."

Mr. Aniret looked at me for a while with guilt. But his body couldn't take it anymore. So he hesitantly agreed and went to the bench behind in the tent to get a shut eye.

I sat down realizing my legs are sore. And I need a shower badly. But I cannot give up. I need to hold on.

I was lost in my mental calculations on the policy changes that I will propose once they agree to let Mr. Aniret stay back when the same car came back in full speed.

Perth walked out with a bottle of water and some food packets in his hand.

He came and placed them all in front of me and then leaned down in front of me with an annoyed expression. "Eat. Don't torture yourself for someone else. You will still be ugly."

I wanted to snap so bad. But I was not having any energy. The smell of the food reached my nose making me feel dizzy.

"What?" Perth asked looking at my expression as my body started to give up.

And I don't remember when it all went blank in front of me.

All I remember is hazy memory of Perth's freaked out face and him screaming... "Hey... HEY!" 

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