17. Chimon

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He has gone mad. I thought he was joking.

But when Nanon told me that he has confessed his feelings to Ohm and Pluem, I was beyond shocked.

How can it be the case? How can he like someone like me?

Has must have gone mad right?

And to think about it, we are both guys. Is he gay? And how to do I feel about it?

And what nonsense am I anyway thinking?

I entered the door and found him waiting near the elevator. I changed the direction and instead took lift after climbing two floors.

In lunch break, I found him on my regular table with my regular meal. I decided to skip lunch.

I kept away the snacks for donating later and gave the bouquets to Kwan who gladly kept it in her vase on the desk.

I cannot let this happen. Because nothing makes sense to me.

Nowadays at home also I am not able to be myself because Nanon continuously keeps trying to talk to me about this.

Why is he favouring him anyway? Does he really believe him? He out of all people has always cared about me. Then why now?

It has been more than a week and I am tired of trying to avoid everything around me. And most of all the problem is, this is office.

If anyone will get to know...

I dragged my feet to my room and switched on the light only to find Perth sitting on my bed.

I heard the door shut behind me.

I ran to open it but it was locked.

"Nanon!" I yelled. But he did not respond.

Frustrated I threw my bag on the ground and turned.

But what I saw was pain.

Perth's face seemed pained. It was like he was so sad that he could die.

And why am I feeling bad about it? Maybe because it is first time that someone is sad because of me.

"What do you want from me?" I slumped down on the ground holding my head in my hands.

Perth leaned down on the ground across me on the other side of the room. "I just want to tell you something."

"Perth... if you are going to repeat what you said that day..."

"No." He interrupted. "I am not going to repeat myself. Whatever I said was true and there is no need for me to repeat it since I made myself very clear." He seemed so determined and unabashed.

I exhaled and sat down properly crossing my legs. He mirrored my posture and sat across me meeting my eyes.

"I am a bisexual." He said. "I have dated a lot of people before. Both genders. Nothing serious. They were all flings. None of it lasted more than 2-3 months."

I blinked listening to it. I haven't dated anyone. I am not sure how long it is supposed to be. But 2-3 months as far as I know is too short.

"I am not a virgin too." He confessed. I gulped. I am though.

"Initially I used to think that you are just a nobody." His topic is now going off the chart... or maybe into the line of discussion which he initially started. And I am getting Goosebumps.

"Then I saw how you are with everyone. I thought you are unnecessarily rude and a big pushover too. From the way you dress to the way you eat, everything seemed weird to me."

Didn't he say he like me? Is this how you like someone? And if he wants to look down on me, a single word Mr. Ugly is sufficient. Why is he going into the details?

"But then I also saw how intelligent you are, how many things you can do alone, you are confident, and brave and caring and self-sufficient. Everything I am not."

I gaped. He is not confident? The way he walks is like he rules the world.

"The I started getting pissed off thinking why you are so chill despite being like this. Despite people loathing you. And slowly I realised I am paying more attention to you than anything or anyone. I started noticing small-small things about you. I even..."

What? What is it?

"I even got a wet dream."

I folded my knees up my chest and my arms around it to cover myself. What is he saying? He must have slept with glasses on. I get weird dreams too when I accidently forget to take out my glasses.

"I couldn't see you in pain, I couldn't see you get bullied, and when I couldn't see you smiling at others, I realised... that I have fallen for you. So much that I have never fallen for anyone."

He is being so sincere that I am unable to doubt him anymore. But even if his feelings are true...

"So... Chimon... I just want to ask you... that if you feel ok, and if you can just trust me a bit... Will you give me a chance?"

Mr. Ugly, I Like You!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt