20. Perth

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"You can change into my pajamas, Chimon. Even your clothes are all drenche..." I scanned him because I was concerned but when I saw his wet short sticking to his chest making it almost impossible for me to take my eyes away from the droplets smoothly sliding down his throat into his shirt.

His complexion is pale and sometimes when he is flustered he gives away a hint of pink. His skin beneath that shirt must be the same right? Smooth, pink-white, covered with droplets and...

I gulped and looked up meeting his eyes. I don't know what kind of a face I am making because something is tingling in my chest. I am unable to be the gentle version of myself who calmly wants to wait for Chimon to accept me.

My body is automatically leaning towards him. Now from this close, I can see his freckles clearly. His eye colour is what I have noticed and dreamt of a lot.

But the fact that he is not pulling back, the fact that he is standing quietly and looking at my lips, the fact that his face and ears are all red is enough for me to not stop.

I slowly leaned closer to him when our noses almost touched.

I braved and attempt to place a small peck on his lips without looking away from his eyes.

His eyes grew wide. When I pulled back and he gulped.

I could say sorry but I am not feeling apologetic at all. I want to do it again.

Chimon looked at my face meeting my eyes and then looked at my lips again before quickly leaning in and pulling me in for a kiss.

It was me who saw him wide eyed now. Because it took me a moment to realize that Chimon actually kissed me back.

But I did not waste much time before holding him by his waist and wrapping a hand around his hair gently stroking his hair. He held me from both my shoulders.

He is a lame kisser. A fact that makes me realize that this is indeed his first kiss. I will have to teach him. But even if that is so, just because it is Chimon kissing me, I am ecstatic.

Who says he is ugly? His natural scent is enough to drive me insane. He has a small round cute nose, round brown expressive eyes, full plump pink lips which are adoringly kissable, his waist sets just right in my arm and his neck is just perfectly wrapped within my palm. I am feeling so giddy that my stomach is churning. He is so cute.

I want to bite, I want to nibble, I want to suck on his tongue. But I don't want to scare him off. So I will hold my horses and devour the moment when he is kissing me at his will.

He pulled back and I could tell he was nervous. I quickly pulled back my hand from his waist and instead held his face in my palms.

"Chimon..." I whispered.

He was looking down on his feet, his face was now almost a shade of purple.

"I..." He mumbled something.

I walked a bit closer and stroked his cheeks encouraging him to speak.

"I am scared." He said and met my eyes.

He was almost on the verge or crying. So the first instinct I got was to hug him. I immediately pulled him into a hug.

"What are you scared of?" I asked rubbing his back.

I smiled when he loosely hugged me back.

"What if... I invest too much into this and you..."

I pulled back and held his face again. I smiled and placed a small peck on his forehead. "Do you not trust me?"

"I-It's not that." He hesitated but I saw that his hands were still tucked to my shirt, which helped me stay calm. "I just don't want to get heartbroken."

I held his face firmly to make him look up and meet my eyes. A tear slipped from his eye which he wiped from beneath his glasses.

"Then you won't ever be heartbroken Chimon. I promise."

At this point, taking into consideration the intensity of my feelings for him, I am afraid, I will be devastated if he decides to stop seeing me. How can he be scared? I am committed to him even before we decide to date.

At first it was just his deeds, but after spending so much time with him, I don't find him ugly at all. In fact, all his small-small features and gestures turn me on. A secret that I am never going to tell anyone.

He looked at me for a moment longer. I know this expression of his. I have read him so much that I don't need any guide to understand him. He is thinking and he is thinking hard.

I searched his eyes when he wiped the remaining tears. And to my surprise he again turned pink when he leaned in to hug me. He tucked on me tightly. It's confirmed. He is my most favorite plushie from now. I smiled leaned my nose into his shoulder inhaling his calming scent smiling foolishly.

"Perth, let's date."

I pulled back shocked immediately and looked at him again searching his eyes. He is not joking right?

He smiled and looked away hiding his face in the towel which was loosely handing on his shoulder.

I pulled away the towel and leaned closer. "What did you say?"

He smiled and looked at me from beneath his glasses.

I gulped the urge to smack my lips on his.

"Will you go out with me?" He asked.

"YES!" I literally shook him from his shoulder before pulling him again for a hug. "Yes, yes yes!" I exclaimed and pulled him up making him twirl with me in the air.

I am so happy. Mr. Chimon... "I like you so so much!"

Mr. Ugly, I Like You!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora