21. Chimon

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"Chimoooooooon." Nanon teasingly called me from outside my room. Somehow Ohm got to know from Perth and now of course his boyfriend knows too.

I am not leaving this room till he leaves the house. This is so embarrassing. I have never felt so flustered in my life.

"Hey, come out." He knocked. "Your boyfriend is waiting."

I jumped up from the bed and opened the door immediately only to see Nanon grinning ear to ear.

"Now I know how to make you open the door." He pushed me in and made me sit on the bed and sat beside me. "How dare you not tell me all this yourself?" He wrapped a hand around my neck and pulled me.

I slapped his hand and got up. "I... still can't believe myself to have said what I said to him. Do what I did with him." I felt my face flush.

"What did you do?" Nanon got up excited and looked at me with wide grin.

I pushed him on the bed, took my bag and fled out of the room.

"TELL ME WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?" He yelled laughing from behind but I closed the door and ran downstairs.

I am blushing. How would a blush look on my already ugly face?

My phone buzzed and I took it out of my pocket only to find a message from the person I was blushing for.

[Stop there please.]

"Eh? What does it mean?" I mumbled confused.

"It means I would like to pick-up and drop my boyfriend to work." Perth said from behind my shoulder. I felt his breath near my ear and it gave me goosebumps.

I turned and almost stumbled on my own foot when Perth caught me and pulled me close. He instantly wrapped a hand around my waist and smiled at me. "Good morning." He grinned.

I couldn't help but look around and push him away lightly straightening myself. "Wh-wh-what are you doing?"

He was still smiling though. "I can't let my boyfriend fall."

"Stop... with that."

"With what?"


"Boyfriend?" He grinned leaning closer.

I immediately hid my face in my palms. My glasses did not allow me to hide it completely.

Perth chuckled. "Ok ok. I won't tease you anymore."

He pulled my bag from me making me remove my hands from my face and look at him. He tucked it on his shoulder and opened his car door for me gesturing me to sit.

I have been in that seat for many times before but today it feels so different. How will I be able to contain myself if he will keep fluttering my heart like this with this sort of gaze?


Days are passing happily. In fact, I have never felt so happy before in my life. I never knew that it was love that I needed.

Perth treats me like I have never been treated before. If at all I had any doubts on his feelings before, it's gone now. Because his eyes genuinely make me feel secured. His gestures too.

The only problem is; I am not confident on my physical appeal yet. And so every time Perth comes near me, I back away. Whatever I did on a whim that day, that I am unable to do.

I am afraid that if I will keep doing this, he will get pissed from me. I am also afraid that if I will go near him and allow him to be near me, he will get tired of me.

I am so insecure nowadays; it is insane. And I can't even tell him that. He will feel like I don't trust him. It's been half a month of dating and all I do is reply to his messages, allow him to pick me up and drop and receive all his gestures and gifts and food without being able to come up with anything to give him.

What can I give him? He has everything.

"BOO!" Perth shook me from my shoulders while I was lost in my thoughts on the office terrace.

I held my pounding chest because I never expected anyone to be around. "You scared me." I said turning to him.

He chuckled and held my face in his palms. He is still grinning like how he did before. Unbothered by anything that I am thinking? Does it not make him mad?

"What are you thinking huh?"

"Nothing?" I smiled briefly unable to meet his eyes.

"Even if you wear these glasses, I can read your eyes. Tell me." He left my face and stood beside leaning on the railing.

"I was thinking... That maybe someday you will get tired of me." I finally said it out loud.

When he did not move or say anything I turned to look at him. He was looking at me blankly.

"Ummm... Sorry."

"Don't be." He said and huffed. He brushed his hair back and turned to me locking me between his arms which were now locked on the rail behind me on the fence railing. "I knew you were overthinking again." He said looking at me intensely.

"Perth I..." Before I could say anything to explain, he held my face and pressed a kiss on my lips. It seemed to come from nowhere but he wasn't aggressive. He was soft, sweet and holding me gently. This time he moved his lips a bit and pressed it again.

The sensation made me feel tingles within. I decided to stop thinking about everything in that moment and do what I want to. So I too started moving my lips to catch his rhythm.

The kiss was lousy and I guess it was from my end as it's just my second kiss. But I want to kiss him. Not because I want to return something to him. But because I want to.

After a few attempts, our lips started moving in sync. It felt the right way of kissing as Perth's moments started to become hot when he leaned even closer and now our bodies were touching from chest to knees.

It felt too much to handle but I did not want it to stop either. By now I was holding his shirt from the back and he had his hands wrapped completely around my waist hugging me tight.

When it became difficult to breathe, we pulled away our faces from each other to meet the eyes never leaving each other and the posture. I was right there wrapped in his arms and his shoulders were in my grip.

He smiled at me and I don't even know what kind of smile I have right now.

"It's this simple Mon." He whispered placing a peck on my lips quickly. "Don't overthink. Just go with the flow. Don't hold yourself back. Even if you try to shoo me away, I won't go. Forget about leaving you on my own. I don't even have the power in me to do so. Do you have any idea how much I like you? I should be the scared one. I can't even THINK what will happen if one day you decide to leave me." He pouted dramatically eyeing me. His cheeks were puffed up like a whining kid.


"What are you looking at?" He was now flustered when I kept looking at him.

I leaned in and placed a warm kiss on his puffed up right cheek and then his left cheek. He gaped at me. I smiled. "As you said, I won't hold back."

We both chuckled and stood there like that meeting our temples and grinning idiotically.

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