22. Perth

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*Bzzt* *Bzzt*

*Bzzt* *Bzzt*

*Bzzt* *Bzzt*

*Bzzt* *Bzzt*

*Bzzt* *Bzzt*

My phone kept vibrating making me wake up. I rubbed my eyes and got up picking up my phone.

It was notifications from our office bulletin.

"What could make people so active on a weekend morning?" I mumbled and opened the forum.

What I saw then made me wide awake in a second.

It was a photo. Of me and Chimon on the terrace from last evening. But even more shocking was the caption that said. 'Look how Mr. Ugly is sexually harassing our Mr. Handsome when he found him alone on terrace.'

I jumped out of the bed and immediately dialed Chimon's number. But it was not reachable.

I rushed to get freshen up all the while trying to dial his number. After getting dressed I decided to call Ohm instead.

[You dare disturb me on Sunday?]

"Dude, your boyfriend is not picking up my calls. Can you contact him in some other way?"

[Huh?] His muffled voice made me realize that he must be twisting in bed. [Non, Perth wants to talk to you.]

"Wait, he is with you?"

[It's a weekend. Duh?]

"Sorry, go back to sleep or whatever you were doing." I disconnected and took my car keys while rushing out of the house.

I kept trying to reach his number but couldn't.

When I reached his place, I found it locked.

Right now my heartbeat is so fast that my chest is aching with fear.

I ran to the office only to find it locked.

Tired and with a heavy headache, I sat on a bench in front of the office. I decided to write him a message or send voice messages.

But when I switched on the internet, I saw many more hate comments and messages in bulletin. Many of my colleagues whom I hardly talked to send me messages asking not to worry and that they have got my back.

Everywhere, it was just about how Chimon lured me in and was sexually exploiting me. Rumors were made saying that he must be threatening me with some account hacks. Or being in HR he might be threatening my appraisal.

On one hand they were calling me macho, handsome, manly, etc., then how the fuck can they think that Chimon can do this to me and I will endure? This internet has been ruining many lives like this.

One sec. The internet.

I got up and walked to my car. I switched on the ac and closed the windows to shut down noise before going live.

"Chimon." I said. "You know I feel about you. You know how hard I have tried to win you over for so long. You know how I am only happy when you are around.

Are you seriously leaving me behind to read this mess alone here?

These guys from my office who don't know that I am bisexual, who don't know that I have had a crush on you for so long and who don't know that I am the one who trapped you there and kissed you last evening, are all saying whatever they feel is right based on their opinions. The opinions based on people's looks and more importantly their financial status.

They call you Mr. Ugly because that's all their ugly eyes see in you. These kind of people will never realise your worth. Your skills, your sincerity means nothing to them because they themselves don't have any skills to be proud of. They are not even sincere to their jobs and surroundings. The post and comments being the proof of their sick mentality.

They don't know that I have been asking you out without knowing if you will ever except me. I admire you for the person you are. And I will keep looking up to you from the bottom of my heart no matter what the word thinks or says. Because I don't have any choice but to like you. So please, pick up my calls and talk to me.

I miss you. I need you. I... love you, Chimon."

I ended the video, confessing what Chimon already knows but now the world will know too. I don't care what will happen after this. All I care for him to come back to me and be by my side.

As I drove home, I kept ignoring the messages and notifications all through. But when that one call came on the screen, I clutched the steering wheel hard angrily.

I took a deep breath to calm myself before picking up the call.

[What the hell is this?]

"Hi dad!" I greeted locking my car and walking upstairs.

[Delete that video and explain yourself saying you were joking.]

I smirked. "Are you joking now?"


"Whatever I said was true, and I don't care what damage it brings to you. All I care about is Chimon."


"..." This cold war I always win. Because my dad has very less patience level.

[I will destroy this guy...]

"Try." I said gritting my teeth interrupting him before he can piss me off even more by finishing that statement. "I am your son and so, I am just like you. You can try to do any harm to the person I love and you will see what all I can... and I will destroy in turn."

Mr. Ugly, I Like You!!!Where stories live. Discover now