7. Chimon

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I saw that Nanon and his boyfriend were kind of frozen in place before Ohm walked up to Perth and whispered something that made Perth's face go red. Do they know each other?

Ohm then turned to Nanon and whispered something in his ear. What the hell is up with this whispering?

"Ummm Chim, Perth was the one who brought you here last night." Nanon said turning to me.

I gaped at him then at Ohm who smirked and folded his arms and then at the guy behind them who was looking everywhere but in our direction.

"Shouldn't you thank him?" Nanon spoke up again when nobody said another word.

What is there to thank? I passed out because of him. But I can't say that now can I?

"Thanks." I said looking at the window on the other side.

I heard some mumbling behind me but I did not turn to see.

"Chim, Ohm and I are yet to have dinner. So till the time Perth is here to accompany you, we will come back ok?"

"What...? I...?" I tried to say to Nanon but Ohm pulled him.

"Yeah I am too hungry Non." Ohm said and dragged him out of the room giving a weird smile to Perth and waving at me before closing the door shut. Nobody let me finish my statement as well.

Perth was still standing awkwardly in front. I then observed that he was holding something in his hand. A fruit basket? Wow! He not only made me lose my hunger strike, he is also rubbing it on my face now.

"Ahem..." Perth cleared his throat and loosened his tie keeping the basket on the table aside.

Why? Why is he taking his jacket off now?

"I will peel some fruits for you."

"I don't want it." I snapped immediately.

He looked at the chart hanging by the small bulletin board near to the bed. "Your chart says that you cannot be given anything apart from fruits and juices till tomorrow. And you need to have something in your tummy before your dose which is due in next half an hour." He said looking at his smartwatch.

What is it to him? Why is he behaving like a doctor all of a sudden?

"I just had fruits with Nanon earlier." I lied.

"Let me confirm." He said and took out his phone.

"What the heck?" I almost yelled. "H-How? How will you call Nanon?"

"I can call his boyfriend who is also my cousin." He shrugged still dialling the number.

"Stop!" I got up. "What is your problem?"

He kept the phone aside. "As of now, YOU are the only problem I have. So let me deal with it." He said and started folding his shirt sleeves up.

Accepting defeat, I leaned back in the pillow and observed the guy in front of me.

He took out a pear and an apple and walked to the basin to wash it. After washing he came back and wiped the fruits with tissue papers. He then took a plate and sat beside me. He started peeling the apple without looking at me.

All the while I observed him, he seemed like someone who is genuinely trying to take care of a patient.

I don't know him enough and he doesn't either. We have just been colleagues since a few months.

But why is he always around? Yesterday also he brought food for me. Firstly, I was stubborn and thought of it to be an act of trying to make me go back from my strike. But I am unable to stop myself from thinking that he really wanted to make me eat.

"Why do you always want to make me eat?" I asked something so stupid that I immediately felt like an idiot.

"What?" He asked looked at me. Then he paused for a moment and chuckled. Did he just laugh at me? "You sure are weird." He said.

"What do you mean by weird? Just because you look like that, you cannot judge the world."

"It's not about appearance..." He snapped. "Well, not entirely about appearance." He cut the slices of apple and pear and took away the peel and seeds in his hand to throw away. "Here, eat this." He then handed me the plate of nicely cut and placed in an organized way the slices of peeled apple and pear.

"Why?" I asked looking at the plate and then I looked at him.

"Because you need to eat?" He shrugged.

I took the plate anyway. "Not that. Why are you here? And why do you care?" I asked straight up.

He stopped and looked at me blankly before turning to go to the basin to wash his hands.

He came back and sat on the chair taking a magazine in his hand completely ignoring my question.

"You don't answer yet."

"You didn't eat yet."

"If I'll eat, will you answer?"

He still didn't answer.

"I really don't understand you." I said frustrated picking up a slice and having it. "Is this because you want to save Mr. Por's reputation?" I asked.

He did not answer again but this time he looked at me for a second longer before getting back to his magazine.'

"Ok. Anyway. Thanks for helping me and bringing me here. However, this will mean I will have to go on strike again from scratch."

"Mr. Aniret's job has been given back to him." He said.

"What?" I gaped.



"Just know that it is back with him. There is no need for any strike. So rest, relax and get back to work when you feel ok." He said turning a page nonchalantly.

I leaned back in the backrest feeling content. "Thank god..." I mumbled and couldn't finish what I wanted to say. It was like, a feeling that was not letting me relax now faded away. I was finally able to let my eyes close and drift off.

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